S I X T E E N || "18 year old virgin" ||

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Holdin On - Flume

- E V I E -

Friday, my birthday, today. My mum, Lauren and Harry woke Ash and I up early to have a small celebration.

I had got the sketchbooks I asked for, and Ashton got a gift card for his favourite drum shop.

I stare at myself in the mirror, slightly shifting my school uniform in disgust.

"Evie, driving test is on Sunday okay love?" Mum informed me while coming into my room and embracing me.

"Okay, thanks mum."
"I'm sorry I've been away these past few weeks, work has just been driving me mental."
"I get it, it's fine. Love you." I kiss mums cheek and smile her off out of my room.

I hear a light tap on my window and turn towards the sound, I see Calum's face smiling.

I rush over to the window and open it, Calum comes in.

His lips caught me off, sending me into a melted mess in his arms.

"Happy birthday." He whispered against my lips.
"Thank you."

"Here, Ashton said this is what you would've wanted." He hands me a badly (but it's the thought that counts) wrapped present.

I rip the paper to see a pencil set and a sketch book.
I smile at Calum and thank him with a kiss.

"Is it okay?"
"It's perfect Calum, thank you."

Calum's lips slowly made their way to mine, my breathing uneven and hitching.

After we kiss for a while longer, Calum says, "I better go, but I'll see you at school. If Courtney gives you any trouble, beat her up. Bad girls are hot."

I roll my eyes playfully at his joke and kiss him more until my lips feel swollen.
"Later." Calum says while climbing out and back down to his car.


"Happy birthday Evie."
"How old are you now? 18?"
"What did you get?"
"Happy birthday."

All these questions passing me as soon as I step into my classrooms, of course birthday wishes were always so sweet but I kind of needed a break.
I don't think I've ever spoken this much in school.

I was dreading the fact that some people brought up the 18 year-old Virgin.

It was sort of a legend around the school, that no person at the age of 18 is a virgin.

Everyone in year 12, maybe except a few 'geeks', were still virgins like me.

"Evie! It's your birthday!" May shouted from across the hall. I laughed and walked over to my best friend.
She engulfed me in a big hug and spilled some gossip.

"Michael took me to this really, really cute Italian restaurant and he was so adorable-"

May drifted off into a long description of the date, as much as it would've been lovely I zoned out.

Because the dīckhead in the denim jacket (again with the denim) was smiling cockily from across the hall.

His eyes fell from me to his friends, Courtney and her two other sluts behind her pushed through the group.

Calum's face turned serious, I couldn't hear them from here but I knew it wasn't good.

Courtney pulled Calum in harshly and kissed him.
My heart dropped, and my confidence sunk back down.

"Evie? What's wrong?" May questioned.
"Nothing, I have to go."

But I was already off, the siren went but I decided I was gonna be late to science.

I walked around the school until my feet hurt, so I decided to head to class.

Mr McMillan pestered me with why I was late but I just said that I went to the nurse to get some Panadol.

I made eye contact with Calum for a split second before slumping down in a chair in front of him.

And the usual happened, pieces of paper were thrown to my back.
"Could you not?" I turn around and see the four boys.

Ashton's hair is a tied back in a bun, Luke's biting his lip ring, Michaels hair is now bright blue and Calum's playing with a cigarette in his long fingers.

"Sir! Can I go to the bathroom?" I call out.
The teacher sighed and nodded.

"Can I go as well sir? I think I've got a nose bleed comin on!" Calum called behind me.

"Whatever, kid." I kinda scoffed at Mr McMillan.

I pushed out of the classroom and Calum grabbed onto my hand once we were out of sight.

"Let go of me Cal." I say angrily.
"What's wrong?"
"I saw you with Courtney, I can't believe you're still not over her."
"More like the other way around Stevie, I guess you didn't see me shove her off?"

Guilt and shame passes over me as I stare up at the now red - faced Calum.
"If this is going to work we need to learn how to trust each other." He says.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, you're right."
"Now come here and let me kiss the birthday girl."

I smiled softly, Calum's hands were brought up to my cheeks and our lips touched.

"You're lips taste of strawberry lip gloss." I cringed at him.
"I'm sorry Courtney kissed me, I'm so over her." He pulls away and wipes his lips.

I bring him into a hug and we stay like this for a few minutes.

"I'm an 18 year-old virgin." I randomly blurt out.
"Nothin wrong with that Stevie."

I think I'm ready.
Maybe by the end of the night I won't be the 18 year-old virgin.


When Calum and I got back to class, he acted mean and like he had no interest in me.
But it was okay.

"Cough-cough slut." Courtney said while walking past me.

I didn't say anything, Calum ignored me when I turned around to see him.

Towards the end of the period, a note was thrown onto my desk.
I was quick to open the piece of paper.

You are the most beautiful person I've ever met, and even that is an understatement.
- Calum


Have a good day

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