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Crazy in Love - Sofia Karlberg

- E V I E -

May is not pregnant, and we're all happy about it. Not that being pregnant was bad but at this age it would be fücking scary.

"Do I look alright?" Calum asks me, moving his jumper around on his shoulders.
"You look handsome."
"Your mum likes me right?"
"Calum, you've been friends with Ashton for years. I'm sure if she didn't like you you'd know about it."

All he does is smile, and grabs my lower back to pull me in for a kiss.

"Does princess have a kiss for daddy?"


"Yo, Ash!" Calum says while bringing my brother in for a 'bro hug'.

"Hey Calum, how ya going?"
"Pretty good, Anne invited me for dinner tonight with Stevie, is that cool?"
"I'm going out anyway, Lauren and Harry are at their friends places so it's just you three."

I frown and give Ashton a smirk, "you goin' out with someone?" I ask.
"Maybe." He smirks back.
"Alright dude well have fun, see ya later." Calum says with a big grin.

After Ashton leaves, we walk in and take a seat at the dinner table.
"Hello you two!" Mum calls from the kitchen.
"Hi mum!" I call back.

Mum finally brings out the food, and takes a seat across from us.
Calum's hand rests on my upper thigh, circling his thumb on the Inner part, giving me goosebumps.

"So," she starts while cutting her steak open, "have you two been dating for long?"
"Ah yes, a few weeks. Best few weeks, and more to come, of my life." Calum gushes.
"Well that's good." Mum chews.

Calum starts getting into his food, while I sat there and changed our roles; so I placed my hand awfully close to his special place.

Which caused him to drop his cutlery surprisingly, "Calum are you alright?" Mum asks.
"Yeah fine Anne, just got butterfingers."

Calum gives me a dirty look out of the corner of his eye, making me smirk in attainment.

"I don't want to have to ask you this, but it's my duty as a mother...are you guys using protection?"
"Mum!" I hiss in embarrassment.
"Sweetheart I don't want you falling pregnant at 18-"
"You were pregnant with Ashton and I at 18."
"But that was a-"
"A mistake?" I gulp.

"No sweetie, I was gonna say an unplanned pregnancy, and do I regret it? Not one single bit."


"Oh crap, I've gotta go, there's an emergency on at the hospital."

Calum's hand takes this chance to move his hand just over my area. I suck in a sharp breath and shove his hand away violently.

"Okay, I'll see you later?" I kiss my mums cheek as she grabs her keys.
"Probably not, I might have to do a 24 hour shift." She says sadly.
"Alright well make sure to drink water and eat please."
"Love you Evie."
"Love you too mum, bye."
"Bye Calum!" She calls while racing out the door.
"See ya!"

Once I see my mum drive off, I slam the door and lean back against it.

"Care to finish what you started?" Calum smirks.
"Uh I don't think so Mr Hood," I sass, "I gave you a blowjob today and you were the one who decided it was a good idea to touch me."
"Does that mean I get to finish it?" The smirk doesn't leave his lips.

He strides over to me in two big steps and immediately lifts my body up off the ground, I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist as our lips connect.

It was gonna be a long night.


Can't wait to watch Suicide Squad holy fuck

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