S E V E N T E E N || "Birthday girl" ||

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A Sunday Kind of Love - Etta James

- E V I E -

Calum's hand brushed through his hair, sending me a smile every once in a while. His hand was placed on my leg underneath the table, Ashton sat next to me with Luke and Michael on the other side.

Mum was placing the candles in the cake behind the counter, Harry was attempting to scoop some icing with his finger when she wasn't looking. Lauren sat across from us all, on her phone, seeming very uninterested.

"Lauren put that damn thing down its your brother and sisters birthday!" Mum called out frantically from the kitchen.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Calum whispered in my ear, I didn't agree.
My cheeks turned a ruby red, "Thank you."

He placed a kiss on my cheek before looking towards Ashton, who was looking eagerly at the chocolate cake mum was bringing over.

Mum turned out the lights and lit the candles, and they all began singing happy birthday.

After the song ended, Ashton and I took one look at each other before blowing out the candles. Everyone clapped, causing the contact between Cal's hand and my thigh to leave.

"Thank you so much guys." I said.
I got up to hug my mother.
"Happy 18th." Harry fist bumped Ashton and I lightly laughed at them.

Luke coughed loudly, making it obvious that he smokes because it sounded just like smokers cough.  Michael was slapping Luke's back harshly in hope to help him stop.



My thoughts had spiralled out into an idea, an idea I wasn't entirely sure about doing. The 18 year-old virgin means absolutely jack shït to me, but I'm at the point now with Calum where I just want more and more of him; it's like he's a drug and I'm addicted.

I wouldn't know the first thing about pleasing a guy, well, besides from fanfictions I've read. But those, I'm assuming, would be entirely different to real life. The feelings would be different, emotions, features just everything would seem different.

I just don't know how I'd bring it up with Calum.

Calum slammed his foot down on the pedal and drove like a maniac, going at least 20km over the speed limit.

My heart raced in anticipation as we reached a red light.
He slowed down eventually and halted harshly at the line.

Normally I would be scared but, I've got other things on my mind.
"So, what does the birthday girl want to do?"

The light was still red, and his hand was placed on mine.

"We-We could just go back to yours." Calum looks at me, then the road and then back to me.

I try to give him a 'do you know what I'm trying to say look' and I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh!-really? Are you serious?" His flustered reaction amused me. "-Aren't you a..." He gestured towards my crotch.

I stifle a chuckle and nod.

"Are you sure you want to do it with me or?"
"Who else would I want to do it with Cal?" He's obviously surprised by the way a smile tugs at his lips.

"Y'know it hurts-"
"I know."

He sighed and nodded, giving my hand a tight squeeze.
The light abruptly turns green, causing Calum to eagerly drive quicker.

I don't think Calum feels the same way but, I was slowly but surely falling for him.


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