N I N E T E E N || "Morning after" ||

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Wonderwall - Oasis

- C A L U M -

I woke up at around ten am, with Evie snuggled into my neck. The memories from last night flowed through my brain; leaving me in a happy mess.

I kissed Evie's forehead, examining her features. I brushed my hands through her hair and thanked God for such a beautiful human being.

"That feels soooo nice." She murmurs. I chuckled at her closed-eyes-goofy-smile.

"How are you feeling today?" I ask. She attempts to move but then groans.
"Does that mean I have to carry you everywhere?"
"Not if you wanna break your back and every other bone in your body."

I scoff at her.

"You weigh nothing." I roll my eyes as she opens hers and props herself up on her elbow.

Normally, I'd leave Courtney before she woke up - or any girl for that matter - so I wouldn't have to deal with a morning after talk. Evie is awkward but not that awkward.

"We should go to the diner for breakfast." I suggest.

"Yeah, do you mind if I shower though?"
"Sure, go ahead." I smile.

But she attempts to get up and fails miserably.
"I'll go with the broken back and bones then aye?" I chuckle and get up, pulling on some underwear seeming as we were both naked still.

I place my arms around her and lift her up softly.

"Ow!" She exclaims as I rearrange my arms under her legs.
"Shīt I'm sorry!" I exclaimed while kissing her cheek a hundred times in hope to distract her from the pain.

"Here how bout you have a bath, it might be easier."
"Yes please."

I place Evie down on the shut toilet lid and start running the bath, pouring muscle relaxing salts in too (they were Mali's don't judge).

"Thank you Cal."
"It's okay babe." I've only just started with the pet names and she doesn't seem to mind so I continue with it.

"Here, let me help-" I walk back over to Evie.
"I feel so naked."
"That's because you are naked."  I give her my t shirt that was hanging on the rack and give it to her, even though she was going to be getting in a bath anyway.

After the bath is full, Evie pulls up the shirt and hands it back to me; I throw it behind my shoulder.
I pick her up and place her in the bath.

She slightly moans at the warm water, it may or may not have made my dïck twitch...

"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, thank you."
"Do you want me to stay?"
"Only if you want to..." I smirk at her and lean over the tub to kiss her lips.

"Let me just go get dressed," I get up and walk into the shower to grab her some shampoo, "it's a 2 in 1."

"Thank you."
I walk back out to my room and pick out a Red Hot Chilli Peppers shirt and some usual black jeans.

Evie may not be feeling the same way, but I don't know because she did give me her virginity, I was slowly but surely falling for her.


Evie sat across from me in a booth, her green eyes were glimmering and her brown hair was flowing past her shoulders.

Because she forgot to pack a T shirt, I let her borrow one of mine. It was my favourite one; my drop dead.

"What are you gonna get?" I ask.
"Maybe some pancakes, you?"
"Probably just an omelette."
"That sounds good."
"You know what else sounds good though?" She asks while sliding to my side of the booth.
"Your lips on mine."

I smile into the kiss she gives me, when she pulls away I say, "you are honestly the biggest cheese ball."

"I'm not even gonna take that as an insult." She says cockily while sliding back to her side.

I'm so nervous around this girl, I want to be the best I can be for her but I keep fücking up and I don't mean to. She deserves so much better so I really don't understand what she sees in me. When she found the bullet scar on my chest she was the first one, out all the chicks I've slept with, to notice and ask if I was okay.

Maybe I just don't deserve her, but I can't break her heart.

"Calum!" She says, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yes my pretty princess?" I smile.

Never have I ever used that pet name...

"I'm paying this time ok?"
"Nah, I got it it's okay."
"No, you paid last time."
"Yeah, you still owe me for that by the way." I wink.

She rolls her eyes with a smile and gives up.

A waiter walks over to us and asks what we want. After we order, I move over to Evie and place my hand on her leg.

"Cal." She murmurs as I move my hand more up her leg.

"I like you so much Evie." I admit.
"I like you too."

I smile and place my lips on hers, moving my hand to cup her cheek.



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