N I N E || "Who's got the beer?!"

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Colours - Halsey

- E V I E -

Calum and I walked throughout Sydney, every now and again he would grab my hand. Mostly when we were in a crowd or when we were talking.

And it was weird.

Yeah I think Calum's cute and all but he's so bipolar, he'll like me one day and then hate me the next. It's too confusing and hard to catch up with sometimes.
But I must admit, no matter how difficult it might be, I still would say yes a thousand times if he asked me out.

Which probably wouldn't happen.

"You alright?"
"Yeah, just cold that's all."
"Here." Calum gave me his Leavers jacket, seeming as I left mine on the kitchen bench this morning.
"Thank you."

"No problem."

To take a shortcut, we walked through an alley way. I was a bit scared because stereotypically, Alleys were scary and filled with bad people.

In this case, it was true.

There was poor homeless people sitting against the walls and angry men asking for a lighter.
Calum's hand came in contact with my side, pulling me closer.

A guy whistled at me, causing Calum to turn around and look at him.
I urgently kept trying to pull him along but it was failing miserably.

"Calum come on."
The guy winked at me but then turned around shaking his head.

And that's when Calum gripped my hand tight and pulled out of the alley.

We reached the other end and the cold, gusty wind blew hard. A beautiful petit cafe was on the corner of the street, so Calum pulled me to it and insisted we eat something.

"You're all skin and bones, you need a good feed."
"Shut up." I roll my eyes playfully and hold onto his elbow, pulling his arm to my stomach region.

A little bell rings when we enter and I smile softly at how cute the place is.
Delicious looking cakes were set through a window, biscuits and bread too.

"These all look amazing." I say to the lady behind the counter.
"Thanks dear, what can I do for a lovely couple today."

Calum looks at me awkwardly and releases our hands, making my heart drop.

"Uh what do you want?" He says.
"Can I please have some cheesecake with a hot chocolate?"
"Certainly." The lady says.

"I'll get the same please." Calum says while smiling softly at me.

I go to get my purse out but Cal shuts me down immediately.
"I got it."
"You sure?"
"Yes Stevie, you just have to owe me one." He says with a seductive wink.

I scoff and roll my eyes.

We take a seat at a table and look at each other awkwardly.
"Thank you for paying Calum."
"All good."

"Why are we here?"
"Because we needed to eat?"
"No you smartâss, why are we here? Together."
"Well why not? People can't hang out?"
"I guess so."

"Look," he grabs my hands and rests them in his with his elbows on the table, "I don't know how I'm feeling right now, Stevie, you annoy the absolute shit out of me but I think I like you."

I frown at his words.
"Yeah, you dork, like-like."

My heart kinda flutters at his words and my cheeks flush a bright red.
"Here you go my loves." The lady brings out two hot chocolates and slices of cake.

"Thank you." Cal and I chorus.

"Eat up." He says to me with a smirk.
And I do.


The way home was dreadful, Calum pulled me into six different buses and we ended up all over Sydney and not home.

But now, as May and I lay on Eddie Kingston's couch, I couldn't have asked for a better day.

"Who's got the beer?!" Calum yells, barging through the front door.
People swarmed the mansion-like house and music played loudly.
A disturbance would be definitely called in to the cops tonight, that was probably going to be the most interesting part of the night.

"I'm so bored." May slumps her head on my shoulder.
"I know, me too."
"I'll go get some drinks."
"No, May, we shouldn't drink. We have to drive home."

May waves me off and continues to the kitchen.
I tap my fingers on my legs and look around to see if anyone I know is here.

Michael makes his way into the kitchen after May, causing me to laugh a little bit.

Luke and Ashton smoked a bong on the other side of the room, I shook my head and continued to look around.

But I still couldn't see the one person I was really looking forward to seeing.
Michael walks out of the kitchen with May hung off him like he's a playground.

"Michael!" He keeps walking with her, probably unable to hear me over the music.

I sigh, now lonely as ever.

When I heard that fake girly laugh, and the "Calum lets go upstairs", my heart sunk back into its pitiful, empty chest.

I looked up to Courtney and Calum making out on the corner of the couch.

He wasn't mine, but it hurt like hell.

So I got the fück out of there.


Yay finally updated! Xox

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