omg WHAT!!!!

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**Kellys POV**

Me and Javi was in the bed eating popcorn watching B.A.P.S. Damn Halle Berry looks good in that movie. I was cracking up at they hairstyles, eating more popcorn laughing til the tv shut off. I stared at Javi. "What you doin?...I am waaatching this". She sat up. "I can't even focus thinking about Loissa and Dustin, aren't you worried?", she asked, I shook my head, "That ain't our problem babe let him handle it". I took the remote in clicked the tv back on. Javi hopped out the bed in went into the bathroom. "Damn Javi...", I sighed staring at the tv. "You shut off the dvd player, now its on the boring ass news". She laughed loudly. "News is not boring Kelly we sometimes need to know what the world is doing". I sighed staring at the tv.

[News reporter]

· This tragic accident happen earlier today. It seems that the driver of the vehicle was speeding and lost control hitting not just one but two other cars. This collision caused a 3 car accident. Witnesses say the driver is known as a former celebrity in his late 20's. More details soon·]

I shook my head. Javi came sitting down. "Damn what happen here!", she gasped covering her mouth.

I shrugged. "Some celebrity probably drunk driving cause a huge pile up". She shook her head.

"People and there booze".

**Jesse's POV**

I was half way sleep when my mom and Jim busted into my bedroom.

"Dustin was in a car accident!!!!" they shouted. I jumped up feeling nervous. "What?!!..When?!!". They paniced in the hallway as Adrian was on the phone talking in a shakey voice. I put on my shoes and joined them. "Oh my god... were on our way to the Hospital now!", Adrian cried. Jim shouted. "Is he okay!!!", I paniced. "Jayden was in the car with him!!!", Adrian paniced running downstairs. "I'll call the boys!" Jim yelled following her. I shook all my thoughts and chased after them.


Everyone met at the Hospital around the same time. They had Loissa in an emergency room isolated from the others because she hyperventilated and caused herself to pass out. Patrick, Bryan, and Carnell were in tears. Kelly and Javi joined 10 minutes after everyone else. Adrian was in a panic holding Janaye, Jim tried to comfort her every second she broke down. The Doctor entered the room.

"Breeding family?"

Everyone gave him there attention.

"Dustin is in a stable condition, he has some bruises, cuts, and a broken arm, but overall he's fine."

Everyone sighed with relief.

"As for Jayden, he suffered a critical neck injury, he's in intensive care and were going to keep him to make sure he pulls through". Adrian was crying on Jim. The guys were in tears even more. "I'll allow one of you for now to see Mr.Breeding" the Dr. said. Kelly wiped his face. "I'll go", The Dr. nodded. "This way".

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