Say what you need to say

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I woke up with everything looking blurry. My head ached and my arm hurt like hell. I rose up slowly starring at cream colored walls.

"Where am I?", I said to myself feeling my head, than a hand touched mine, "Your in Patrick's guest room". I looked over wiping my eyes and Kamille was sitting in a chair next to me. "Rise in shine baby". She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Uh what happen?", I asked getting off the bed still feeling dizzy, "Well....", she started than stopped, "Well...what?", I asked staring her down, "You passed out in the backyard when your showed up". I wiped my face once more, "So I wasn't dreaming about that?", I asked looking out the window, "No Kelly you weren't but strange that you fainted, she must of really meant something to you", Kamille said folding her arms. I sighed heavily in sat her down on the bed, "Babe don't even think this way, I have a son with you, I put that ring your finger, she doesn't matter to me anymore, it was a long time ago besides I must of been real tired or something to just faint like that, maybe it was something I ate". I pondered sitting next to my fiance holding her hand, she snatched it back in stood up, "Kelly you didnt eat yet, the food wasn't even ready, all you were doing was talking to Marcel", "Oh shit Marcel!!", I shouted standing to my feet, "That's it!!", I said grabbing her arms, "What's it?", she asked confused, "Marcel!!", I shouted, "Kelly what are you talking about!?", she snapped. I sighed in sat down,  "Where is he and where is Dustin, no body fought while I was out did they!!?", she shook her head. I rose back up and paced the room back in forth  "Is this actually happening right now?", I said scratching my head. "Kelly what's wrong?", she asked joining my walk, I stared at her than looked out the window again, "Baby I know who Janaye dad is!", I shouted in a whisper. She jumped up, "Kelly what are you talking about!?", "Marcel, that's why I fainted, not just seeing Javi, Marcel let me know he's her dad". Kamille was froze for a second than came closer to me, "Soo no one knows this but us and Marcel?", I nodded, "Oh shit Kelly!!! we have to--",  "Oh nah nah nah we going to let him tell him himself", I pulled her closer, "This isn't our business and I'm keeping it this way, he'll have to do it himself". Kamille shook her head than sighed, "Well you know them best, I guess your right". She kissed me with a worried look on her face than we headed out to the back.


I watched him closely come out with his fiance hand in hand. They were all smiles and giggling so I decided to finally introduce myself. I began to sashay in my heels over to them but was stopped by Patrick pulling up to the backyard. He damn near ran me over. I waited for him to get out the car and it seemed he had someone with him, I waited as everyone else began to crowd around me, "Uh what's going on are y'all that happy to see your brother, don't y'all see him everyday?", "Well no they don't", a voice replied to my question, I quickly turned around to see what I was sure to be a ghost.

Jesse hopped out of Patrick's truck, hugging who he knew, Kelly walked away, and I just stared.

"What the hell is this a reunion!".

Bryan smiled at me and shrugged, "It sure does seem that way, hell if Armoni ass shows up I'm gone!", everyone laughed except for me. "Whose Armoni, your ex. Bry?", "Nah ..Kellys". He smiled in walked away.

I rolled my eyes as the kids ran hugging Jesse. It was cute. Jesse was still a gentlemen, introducing himself to KJ and Janaye. People noticed me staring to hard so I played it cool in ran at Chris tonguing him down. He gave me looks but kissed back. After awhile we all got settled into the movie room that Patrick had in was preparing to watch a movie, but before it started Patrick got in front.

"Alright alright, y'all hush for a second!",  we all gave him our attention, "I know today had had some surprise guest and has been a little awkward for some but we just need to look pass the past and forgive and forget".  Faces looked around and I seen most people agreeing. "We all make mistakes, second chances are welcome". 

Everyone clapped at Patrick's little speech and he bowed like a fool.

I looked around meeting Kellys eyes, we didnt stop staring for maybe 10 seconds for what seemed a long time to me, he looked hurt. I shook my head in turned back to my new man and the screen, but as the movie began to play I looked back once more to see kellys girl but no Kelly.

I sighed, "Where the hell he go now?!".

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