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I got the directions from my dad, but before I left, Grandma prayed over us so that my journey would be at no harm. I got in the car looking at the directions from time to time making sure I was going the correct way. I couldn't spare anytime. There was no time to waist getting Janaye back. I kept looking at the passenger seat where the duffle bag laid with 2million dollars, I sighed heavily thinking maybe Karma is right after all. I finally got to my destination to see another car parked behind me as soon as I parked. I looked back in sighed. "Shit". I looked around at the area, familiarizing myself I remembered that I was here before. It was Garamond, the weird abandoned looking spot by the park that punk ass Marcus had me meet him at. I grabbed the loot in got out quickly and headed to the door. I kept looking back, no one was behind me. Suddenly the door flew open and I was pulled in. A huge guy was standing there with his arms folded. I didn't recognize him at all. He moved aside in stood at the wall. I stared at him, him doing the same thing then a Loud speaker sounded off accompanied by clapping.

"Well well big brother you follow rules well!!".

I looked around to see a face to match the voice.

" I know your wondering who I am but no need for that as long as you brought the cash, you'll have your sister back and our lives will go as they were".

"You better not have harmed her!!".

"Ohh no, trust me she's fine".

"How do you know me and my sister?!".

"Don't worry, just know I meant no harm but that's only because you took out my competition".

"What...what competition?".

"Marcus, Marcus and his crew".

I thought about a lot. Who could of known all that? Did Marcus have others following me? Or were someone else following me?

I stood in silence thinking.

"Now Jayden, put the money in my mans hand in your sister will be free".

"How do I know I could trust you!".

"Because you trusted my sister".

My mouth gapped open.

"Mariah was my sister Jayden, and you helped her once Marcuses boys killed her, I got word that it was them and I swore on her grave I would kill him and take back what was ours but you came into the picture and got the revenge before I could but now I want it back!".

I was stunned that this was all happening, in I remembered Mariahs brother back at her spot staring at me. I nodded in handed the man the duffle bag than waited, after 5 minutes Janaye was running into my arms. She was shaking badly scared. I kissed her cheek in hugged her tight and right before the guy walked away, he reached in the bag in tossed me a stack. He smiled, I nodded than he vanished into the halls. I knew what that meant, it was out of respect. I grabbed Janaye in we headed outside. I got her situated than looked back at the car parked a little behind me.

"Jay come on!".

I smiled at Janaye in nodded.

"1 second".

I walked down in stopped at the car.

"Well I guess you couldn't trust your boy".

I smirked. He chuckled.

"Boy if you aren't my son".

"Thanks for coming dad".

"I know they said come alone but I just had to make sure you were okay".


I looked back at the house than at my pocket where the stack of money laid.

"Dad were going to all be just fine".

He nodded in started up his car.

I waved him off in hopped in mine, but before I started the engine, Janaye reached for my hand.

"You know what I realized Jay, no matter what trouble I am in, I know I can depend on you to rescue me".

I smiled at her, "Well that's because I'm big brother".

We both busted out laughing than headed home. Once we were in everyone hugged us in were glad we were safe and that night everyone seemed to get along again.

A couple of months passed and Uncle Kelly and Kamille worked it out and was now expecting a lil girl of there own, uncle Patrick finally got a family, uncle Bryan in Carnell were doing great like always, Javi and Jesse got back together, my dad and Martsia was also expecting a lil girl, mom and Marcel tied the knot, and Janaye had also found a new friend and as for your boy............

2months later

"Jayden come feed this girl, she been crying all morning!"

I smiled at my mom holding my pride in joy.

"You said you wanted to be treated more like a adult, so take care of your responsibilities".

I grabbed her food in took her in my arms.

"Be gentle now Jay, she just woke up".

I smiled placing the bottle in her mouth. My mom kept looking at me.

"Ma I got her dang!".

She smiled at me than walked away but within seconds she was back in my face.

"Oh and before I forget Jayden, she left a great surprise in the living room that has your name wriiten all over it".

I smirked and sighed watching my baby stare up at me. I put her back in her bed than headed to the living room. "Who knew such a little ass puppy could leave a huge ass mess".


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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