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*Girls I know we kept you waiting too long, Girls I know how you feel but are feelings are real, and the love is growing way too strong, ladies we take our time so you'll know that your mine, and we never want you  hurt again yeaa ehh yeaah we know how you feel yea these feelings are real yeaah yeah...these feeling are reaal oh ohh.... there reaal*

Patrick stopped in smiled staring out the recording booth. "Sooo how was it??", "Better than I predicted!", Jim cheered, "Soo you think we have a hit?", "That is a hit!!", said Jim standing to his feet clapping.  "Yea I can feel the love already!", Patrick smiled coming out the recording booth. "The others will do there parts later", Jim said as he added some touch ups to the instrumental music, "Yeaa I just hate that I missed the kids high school ceremony", said Patrick sighing leaning against the wall.

"They know you mean well Pat, there will be other times", Jim smiled at him. Patrick nodded and grabbed his things, "Well catch you later, I have to go somewhere, see you at home, daaaad", Patrick smiled, Jim shook his head with laughter, "Ay I'm still getting use to that!". Patrick laughed and headed out.


"Y'all did soo great!", Martsia cheered hugging Jayden and Janaye and kissed there cheeks as Loissa gave her mean looks that caught Dustin attention so he cleared his throat, "Alright let them breathe babe", Dustin teased. Martsia smiled slightly and hung onto Jayden.

"Were very proud of you son", Kelly and Kamille said in unison to KJ in everyone broke out with laughter.

"Yeaa I can't believe y'all will be graduating soon", Bryan said.

"I know right, time fly's", added Kelly.

"Alright Alright its time to go celebrate!!", cheered Loissa, "Dustin let's go to Sizzler or Red Lobster!", Dustin looked at everyone in than he looked back at Loissa, "Uhh is this Jays celebration or yours!?", Loissa rolled her eyes in half smiled. "Its for our kids", Loissa stared at him than gave Martsia a look. Dustin was about to speak but KJ broke his thoughts.  "Uh but we don't mind uncle D, I can taste the crabs already!", KJ smiled, Dustin shook his head than folded his arms, "Sooo am I'm suppose to be paying this!?", Dustin raised a eyebrow, "It'll be a honor to us if you did, your like my second dad", KJ laughed,  "And your real father is right there", Dustin pointed laughing. Kelly smirked. "How about we  avoid the ruckus in just go to moms house for a huge meal, will even have crabs", Carnell said smiling at KJ, he smiled back in agreement. "Alright that's a plan my pockets can live with!", Dustin joked hugging his kids. Everyone laughed in they headed out.


"Soo you missed the kids graduation recital to see me?", Patrick nodded, "Well I'm flattered, thank you", "No problem, you family", "Yea but its been years, why have you been here, I don't deserve it", Patrick didnt response to that he just stared.

"Soo how's everyone, how's life?", "Its good, I just left the studio, we back in the music life again, everyone is great and Dustin and Kellys kids are in high school". There were smiles. "You have a family? any kids?", "Nah its just me". There was silence.

" Look, I was thinking about when you get out, you only in here to be here, I sure wouldn't be here, after the whole thing in the Hotel, no charges were even put against you", Patrick laughed, "Well I have no where to go so when my time was up, I stayed here, I have no where to go", "That's just it, you do have somewhere to go, I want you to stay with me, and will go from there". The room was silent. "I... I ...I appreciate this Pat", "Maan no problem, your still our brother Jesse", "Thanks".

They hugged in Patrick left, "I'll see you tomorrow!!", he yelled back, "Alright, I'll be ready!", Jesse yelled in smiled. "I'll be ready".


"Miss miss, miss wake up your car is ready!", the man shook her up and she awoke yawning and stretching out. "Oh my apologies, how long was I asleep?", "Uh about 2 hours but no worries, the car took about that much". She smiled. "Thank you". The guy was dark skinned with dread locks, he had a cute smile and was polite.  "Soo where you headed to at this time of the day?", "GA", "Oh visiting family for the holidays?", "I guess you can say that", "Well you be safe the roads are a bit slippery on account of light snow". She nodded. "By the way, if you ever need car services again, call in ask for Chris". He gave her a card in there was stares in smiles. "Alright Chris, I'll call", "Well good but uh do I get a name gorgeous?". There was silence. "I'm Javi". Chris nodded, "Cool well i hope to hear from you", she smiled, "You just might", than she drove off.


"Can one of you pass me a chicken?", Kamille asked reaching over the table. Jayden in Janaye grabbed for it at the same time. "Give me that!", "Noo I want to do it!", "Uncle Kelly tell her to stop!!", Kelly sighed watching his niece and nephew argue. "Ay you two cut it out!" said Loissa, "Don't fight at the table!!". Janaye and Jayden both stuck there tongues at one another.

"Y'all just stop it, this is suppose to be a celebration", Kelly smiled, Jayden huffed, "It will be if she let's me have this chicken breast to give to Kamille", Janaye shook her head. "How about I settle this cause I know Kamille won't eat it after y'all hands were all on it", Dustin grabbed the chicken in bit it, "Now its mine". Everyone laughed except the kids and Kelly. "I don't know why y'all fighting over one chicken when they're is plenty at this table". Dustin spoke again as he felt a hard crunch to his teeth, he made a funny face in reached in his mouth to find a ring. Kelly sighed, in snatched it from him, "Thanks". Kamille looked confused as Kelly smiled and got on his knee, the whole family turned there way, he said a few words and asked for her hand in marriage, she jumped happily and everyone cheered in they continued to celebrate.

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