Imagine || Anakin Skywalker

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Imagine fighting your best friend, Anakin Skywalker, as he turns to the dark side.

"Anakin!" you cried out desperately. Your hands clutched your lightsaber tightly. You wanted to seem strong, but you were standing before your best friend, your lightsaber braced in front of you, his against yours. "Stop this!"

"I can't!" he screamed through clenched teeth.

You shook your head. "What about Padmé?" you asked breathlessly. "You can't do this to her!"

"I'm doing this for her!" he yelled. He pushed against you. You dropped onto the floor, your lightsaber at your side. "I have to do this, or she'll die."

The tears were streaming down your face. You just couldn't understand how this would save her. "I can't fight you, Ani. I can't." Your eyes didn't leave his has he stepped closer to you.

His face hardened. "That's because you're weak and foolish, like all the other jedi."

You gasped as he, your best friend, lifted his lightsaber above his head, and swung it at you. You shut your eyes quickly. You didn't want to watch his face fill with fury before you died.

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