She's Nothing To Me (part two) | Kylo Ren

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part two as requested by Malfoytwin


For several days, you avoided your new Supreme Leader best you could.

It was impossible to not see him. And when you did, your heart would fold in on itself, reminding you that he was connected to someone other than you.

You cursed yourself for ever falling in love with him in the first place. You were a fool.

Standing next to General Hux, you read reports from a screen. Kylo stomped through hissing doors and walked across the room. His hair fell around his face in messy clumps of curls and waves. He looked tired.

You made yourself look away, forcing a scowl on your face. Of course, it was different from Hux's, which was so full of hate and disgust you could feel it. Yours was mostly out of pure disappointment.

"Thank you," Hux said. He walked away stiffly.

Kylo paused a few feet away. While you distracted yourself with a screen full of coordinates, he looked straight at you. His lips parted.

"I need to talk to you," he said.

"No," you said simply. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his fist clench.

"Please," he begged through clenched teeth.

Hux gave him a surprised look. Kylo barely had time to stare daggers at him before the red headed man was making his escape.

"Kylo, I don't want-"

"She's nothing to me," he said. "I feel nothing towards her."

"Bull," you stated. You looked up at him. "I see the way you look when I say her name. She means something."

"She means nothing!" he insisted. He turned towards you. "Nothing compared to you."

For once, you had nothing to say.

"I mean, you're - you're-" He cut himself off angrily and crossed the room. In a brief movement of his hands, his palms were cupping your cheeks and his lips were on yours. He kissed you for a long a passionate second and then released you, drooped eyes searching for a reaction. "Surely you can see it."

Your eyes searched his. "I just-" You inhaled, eyes filling with tears. "I don't want to push you away, but I don't want to get in between something that's meant for you. Is she? Is she meant for you?"

"No," he said. "And even if the Force thinks we are meant to be together in some way, I don't care. I love you. She's Resistance scum - a low life Jedi. I will kill her one day, I promise you that." His fingers brushed across your cheeks as he dropped his hands. "I just want you to see what you mean to me."

"I do see," you whispered. "I could always see. But a part of me wondered if maybe she meant more. I believe you if you say she doesn't."

"Good," he breathed. "I love you." He leaned in to capture your lips.

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