May the 4th Be With You! | Luke Skywalker

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requested by AlejandraLennon


How was it that everything had gone wrong so quickly?

It was supposed to be easy. All you had to do was go save Han Solo and Leia from the hands of Jabba the Hutt. Luke promised that Jabba would not underestimate his power once he saw his ability.

And yet, here you stood, the filthy hand of an alien you couldn't turn to see squeezing the feeling out of your arm. You were facing a large pit. Every now and then, you would see a creature poke out its long, disgusting head, swiping out its tongue to where you, Luke, Han, and Chewie were standing.

You scoffed and turned your head towards Luke in disgust. You were blinded by the white sunlight as you squinted up at him. He looked calm and collected - a real Jedi.

"I guess it's my fault for truly believing that you could keep us from getting killed," you said.

Luke glanced at you with a reassuring smile. "Do not worry, dear. I have everything under control. I know this planet from every angle." He tried to touch your arm, something he always does when you're uneasy.

The creature standing behind him shot out several complaints in a different language. Luke scoffed as they pushed his hand back to his side.

"That doesn't help us now, does it?" you asked.

"It's convenient that I know the planet," he stated.

Han laughed sarcastically. "You're gonna die here. Now that's convenient."

Luke rolled his eyes and looked back at the horizon. You couldn't understand why he was so calm. But it was nice; knowing he wasn't going to let you die.

"You know, it's a shame," you said.

"What is?"

"You never got to marry me," you said with a sigh. "Not that you could have, I suppose... now that you're a Jedi."

Luke looked at you with warm eyes. "Oh, I planned to marry you. No Jedi rules could stop me from taking you as my wife."

You felt your heart shoot up to your throat. You blushed red and bit down on your lip, fighting hard to contain your smile of happiness.

After a moment, you looked back at where they were going to soon dump your bodies.

"Then I guess it's a shame we're gonna die, Luke," you said sadly.

He paused for a moment.

"I'll marry you," he said. "Right here, right now. Just follow my lead... it might be hard to keep up."

You glanced at him. "Who is supposed to marry us?"

Luke glanced at Han. Although Han could hardly see still, he slumped his shoulders and shook his head. "Oh, kid - no. I don't marry people, got it?"

"It doesn't have to be real," he said. "It'll be real to us, and that is what matters." Luke paused. "Besides, if we die, what's it matter?"

"Fine," he said. He rolled his eyes. "But you'd better have a plan, kid."

"Oh, I have a plan."

Seconds later, Luke had his lightsaber in his hands. You smiled as he turned around and cut off the arms of the creature holding onto you. Then, you felt the comfortable weight of your blaster in your hands.

It was chaos. Still, as you and Luke took out creature after creature, you heard Han Solo's words.

"Okay, kid - do you take ___ to have and to hold-"

As Han spoke to Luke, a creature grabbed Luke by the throat. You gasped and turned around, pointing the blaster in the creature's direction. You fired at its chest and Luke kicked it downward, right towards the beast.

He turned to you and smiled. "I do."

Han said the same thing to you. You continued to fight as you repeated the two words needed. "I do."

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife," he said. He grinned happily. "Kiss her, kid!"

Luke reached out and grabbed your arm. You hummed in surprise as he pulled you against him, pressing your chest against his, he kissed you sweetly.

You laughed as he pulled you back and touched his nose to yours.

"Told ya I'd marry you."

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