Keep You Alive | Poe Dameron

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Poe wasn't sure what he was doing. But he also knew he couldn't just not do something. The entire war was on hold now that the Republic was gone, and the First Order was taking advantage of that. If they continued to do nothing, the Order would have pounded the Resistance into nothing in no time.

As he watched the map of his fleet go from flickering with life to marks with giant red marks, he grew worried. And he was mostly focusing on your ship. He had told them to stand strong and press through, firing and dropping bombs-

But there were only two left, and Paige Tico's ship was going to explode any moment now.

"___," he blurted, "sweetheart, get out of there."

Your voice broke through the transmission. "Out of here?"

"Now!" he demanded. He swiped his tongue across his bottom lip. A ball of flames flew out of the bottom of your ship. Poe's heart skipped a beat. "Dang it, ___, get out of there!"

General Organa's voice broke out of the transmission. "___! You're the only one we've got. Get out of there now-"

"I'm going," you said urgently, and your ship started to move backwards. Poe swerved his and fired at the giant ship, desperate to keep you untouched so you could land. "Okay. Okay-"

As you landed and Poe did, too, he hurriedly got out of the ship. He ran to you, seeing a streak of grease against your cheek, your hair a mess from your helmet. He threw his arms around you.

You didn't hug him back.


"My entire fleet died, Poe," you said through clenched teeth. There were tears in your eyes when he stepped back. "You got us all killed. I could have-" You pointed back out there and choked on your words.

"I am so sorry," he whispered. "I-I thought we had a chance-"

You cried out and dropped down, falling on your knees. Your heart was breaking. You thought of Paige, sweet and funny and beautiful Paige, and her sister, Rose. Oh Force, her sister-

Poe kneeled down next to you. He didn't touch you, just stared. "Sweetheart," he said, "I am so sorry. I know I let you down, let you all down - but we had to take a chance. If we didn't-" You buried your face in your hands. "I would have kept you safe, baby. Always. I-"

"But what about the others, Poe?" you mumbled. "Their families..."

"I'm sorry," he said again. "But everyone knows what they're fighting for, what they're risking it all for. And I am risking it all for you." He cupped your face. "Do you understand that? Paige wanted to do it for her sister. And your fleet-" He cut himself off. "I know it's horrible, but-"

"But that's war," you finished.

He nodded. "Yeah."

You leaned forward until your chin hit his shoulder and his arms went around you. He held you there, shaking and sorry, grateful that you were alive.

He would do anything to keep you alive.

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