I Know | Poe Dameron

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requested by emmie_k10


You were your mother made over.

You were ____ Organa-Solo, not quite a princess and not quite an average Rebel, but a daughter and a friend and a sister. You were the balance between your mother and your father, although Poe would argue that looking into your eyes was equivalent to looking into the eyes of your mother.

Maybe that's why he looked so frightened when you angrily approached him.

"You can't be serious," you spat, stepping over BB-8 as he rolled in front of you to stop you. A chorus of beeps let out of him as you shoved Poe. "You're going out there alone? That's a suicide mission, you dummy!"

He sighed and rubbed his face. "___..."

"Don't do that," you mumbled. You scowled at him.

He held up his hands. "Do what!"

"You're gonna say, I'll be safe. And, I gotta do this for the Rebellion. For you. Well, you know what? That's bull. I'm not stupid. And if you die, Poe Dameron, so help you-"

He grabbed your face and kissed you. You fell silently, gripping the front of his vest as you leaned into him. His rough fingertips traced your cheeks and moved to your hair as you both broke away.

Your cheeks were aflame, your eyes were sparkling. "I love you," you said.

He smirked. "I know."

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