TLJ COUNTDOWN #1 Can't Say It | Poe Dameron

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reminder: i am taking requests for sequel characters only. and if y'all want to make me a new cover for this story, feel free!

requested by MaxiDerwent


Poe was running.

He had no idea you were leaving with Rey. He had no idea it was going to be this soon, either. And now he suddenly had gone from having forever with you to having only a few minutes.

He was shouting, asking anyone and everyone if they had seen you, if you had already gone, if he was too late. No one could give him a clear answer, but the Falcon was still outside of the base. He could breathe, but only barely.

He ran forward as you stepped outside of the old ship, hair loose around your shoulders, outfit the same rosy pink it was when he met you. There was a pang in his heart.

How was he supposed to say goodbye?

"Poe," you called out, voice hesitant.

He was walking forward quickly, steps heavy. "You never told me," he said accusingly.

"I didn't know until recently," you replied easily, eyes sliding towards the cockpit, where Rey was. You looked back at Poe. "I am sorry, my friend."

His throat itched and his eyes burned. He rubbed them. "Jeez. How am I supposed to say goodbye to you?" he asked hoarsely.

You blinked away tears. "You don't have to." You took a single step forward and wrapped your arms around his neck. He embraced you back, hand on your hip, chin on your shoulder. "I'll see you again, I promise."

He held you tighter. "Don't go," he pleaded.

"If Rey can't get through to Luke, I can," you said. "General Organa needs me to do this. For the Rebellion and for us. If we ever want a future together, Poe Dameron, I want it to be secure."

"Me, too," he said. He pulled back, eyes swimming in yours.

You touched your forehead to his. "May the Force be with us," you whispered.

A sob broke out of his throat. "I can't say it," he admitted.

"It's okay. I can." And you kissed him. "I love you."

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