Revenge of the 5th | Kylo Ren

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requested by makaalbarnmc

I'm sorry this is so late. :-( I've been sick and taking & studying for senior year finals!!

I told myself I wasn't going to write anything Leia that was going to make me sad, but that's inevitable now.


You had no idea what had happened, but by the look on General Hux's face, it was not good. Kylo wasn't anywhere in sight, either. The lack of your husband's presence and the overwhelming emotions you felt from him made you flee from the command room, your hands grasping at your dress and lifting it so you would not trip.

"Kylo," you said loudly, hoping he would feel you reaching for him in the Force. "Kylo!"

As you rounded a corner, you saw sparks flying out of an open door. You hurried towards it, your mouth hung open as you stepped inside.

He was gripping his lightsaber tight in his hands and relentlessly hitting a control panel on a wall. The sounds of plasma hitting steel and breaking wires made you wince.

Still, you walked quickly to his side. You gently gripped his upper arm in your right hand, urging him to stop with your soft touch and whispers as you locked another hand on the one gripping the weapon. He stopped, but his emotions remained the same.

"Kylo, what happened?" you demanded to know.

He dropped his head, a sob coming out of his throat. You could not see his eyes, and for once, you were glad. You surely would have broken down if you had seen his teary brown irises.

"My mother," he rasped, his voice cold through the mask. "She's gone."

Your voice softened impossibly more. "Oh, Kylo... I am so sorry."

He dropped his arms to his sides. "I did nothing but bring her pain," he said.

You felt his walls crumble at the same time he began to sob. You shook your head and gently pulled him to face you. At the same time his head met your shoulder, his lightsaber fell to the ground. He gripped your waist.

"That is not true," you said. "I knew you before you were Kylo Ren, and your mother adored you. She adored you still as you are now. That is why she made me vow to protect you. That is why I still am."

You touched your lips softly to his shoulder. You rubbed your hands up his arms and gave him as long as he needed to cry into your shoulder.

"I love you," he whimpered.

You shut your eyes. He did not say it often, so you relished in the feeling when he did. You knew he was feeling guilty for not telling his mother before she passed away.

"As I love you," you said.

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