Failure (part two) | Kylo Ren

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my apologies for the wait. i started college


Hux never did send you to work for sanitation, but you didn't have it any better. He treated you like you were garbage. Nothing you did was right to him. Everything was a failure in his eyes. You were a failure in his eyes. He screamed at you, threw things in fits of anger, and mocked you behind your back. It was like he enjoyed seeing you flinch and your eyes well up with tears. You knew it made you weaker. A high ranking officer of the sinister First Order should not cry.

But you did.

You couldn't help it - one morning, before your shift, you grabbed your belongings (what few you had) and left. You were dressed in a long, baggy tunic and a pair of tight pants, leaving your ebony uniform folded on the foot of your hard bed.

You didn't say goodbye to your roommate. You snuck out before the start of most officer's days and headed for one of the escape pods.

If you weren't careful, you would be charged with treason and taken to a prison of some sort, where you would be forced to work - only this time, it was more likely you'd be working as a slave.

Maybe they would sell you to someone. You would clean homes or wait on people or just be a prize for some wealthy man. Whatever would happen, it wouldn't be good, so you made sure to be extra careful while making your escape.

You got the pod ready and tossed your bag of the few possessions you had inside. Just as you ducked inside of the tiny ship, a strong voice rang out.


It was calm and deep, and you didn't need to turn around to know it was Kylo. Still, you slowly looked behind you, staring at his scarred up face and his emotionless brown eyes.

"You cannot convince me to stay," you said. You held your head up high. "I won't. If you wish to call in stormtroopers and have me dragged off to Force knows where, so be it."

He didn't move. "I won't turn you in. And I won't try convince you to stay, as much as I want to." He took a deep breath. "I understand your reasoning, and I know that I haven't given you any reason to stay with me any longer."

You blinked at him. "So you'll let me go?" you asked.

"Well, you're not my prisoner," he said.

"It feels like it sometimes," you replied. "Not like I'm your prisoner, so much as it is like I'm the prisoner of the Order. They treat me like I haven't been loyal to them from the beginning of my adult life."

"I know. I am sorry," he said. He nodded once. "Truly."

There was a long pause in the conversation. It consisted of Kylo gazing at you, a million thoughts swimming in his head, and you nervously biting your lip. You wanted to leave.

"Go," he said. "I'll stop anyone that tries to stop you."

"Thank you," you breathed. You got inside of the ship. Just before it closed, you leaned out. "Kylo - I want to see you again."

He didn't move. "You will."

"Is that a promise?" you asked softly.

"It is," he said.

He didn't say goodbye. Instead, he helped launch your escape pod into space and watched as it went. You felt him reaching for you through the Force, reminding you he was always there, he would find you one day, and he was sorry.

He was so sorry.

And you forgave him.

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