Doubt | Poe Dameron

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requested by child_of_ares2734

i've been getting a lot of poe requests which is more than fine but all characters are open y'all


Poe inhaled deeply, feeling his gut twist painfully. He pressed a hand to his stomach and walked towards you. You looked so small as you cleaned the front of your x-wing with a greasy rag. He felt his eyes sting and wiped at them, trying not to look at like the nervous wreck he really was.

"H-Hey, babe," he said, touching your back. 

You turned and smiled. "Hi. How are you?"

"I'm... good," he said, looking over your ship. "So... you're leaving soon, right?"

"Yup," you said. "In about an hour."

He nodded and pressed his lips together. "I don't want you to.. to go." 

"Poe," you said, dropping the rag at your feet. "We talked about this."

"It's dangerous," he said, "and I can't lose you." He scratched his head and sniffed, feeling embarrassed as his eyes filled with hot tears. "I just can't."

"Babe," you said sadly. "I'll be okay."

He shook his head and reached over, wrapping his arms around you. You sighed as he pressed his face to your hair. 

"I learned everything I know from you," you said. "And this is my first chance at my own mission. I'll finally be in charge because you taught it all to me." You reached up and turned his face to look at you. "I know everything I need to know, Poe Dameron."

"I worry about you all of the time," he whispered. "I can't help it."

"I know," you said. "And I worry about you when you're out, too... but that's just how it's going to go." You shrugged. "I love you. I'll be okay."

He nodded and leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips. 


"She's doing great, Poe," Finn said. He pointed to the corridor. "I just heard General Leia bragging about how good she's doing. She'll be home soon."

Poe dropped his face into his hands and groaned. "I haven't got any work done."

Finn sighed. "She's going to be okay!"

Poe's head raised. "You don't know that! You can't... you can't know that." He shook his head. "Anything can go wrong. I went on a mission to get information from Lor San Tekka and the First Order somehow figured it out. They showed up, took me, and tortured me. My girl is tough, Finn, but... if someone touches her, I swear-" He shook his head again, eyes burning. 

"Your girl is probably tougher than you are, Dameron," he said. He smiled. 

Poe nodded. "Yeah. She's something." He looked at the floor with lovesick eyes before the worry took over again. 

Rose walked quickly into the room, hands at her sides. "Poe, Finn," she said, grinning, "she's back."


Poe, Rose, and Finn ran into the room. Rose squealed as she saw you. You opened your arms and embraced her, laughing. She pulled away and beamed at Finn, who walked over and gave you a fist bump. 

"Great job, ___," he said, smiling. 

"Thanks," you said. 

Poe came to a stop in front of you. You smiled wide and threw your arms around him, feet lifting off the floor. You smelled of grease and sweat and so did he, but neither of you cared. He kissed you deeply and set you back down. 

"Hey," you said, still grinning. 

"Hey," he said. "I'm so glad you're home safe."

"I told you I would be okay," you said. 

"I shouldn't have doubted you, babe," he said. He kissed you again.

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