May the 4th Be With You! | Obi-Wan Kenobi

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This was going to be the last imagine for the fourth, but when I logged back on after a few hours, I saw several new requests for the fourth. So here's what we will be doing:

Resistance imagines are now closed. If you've sent in your request already, you're good. I've accepted it whether I've replied or not. :-)

After I'm finished writing the last one, I will be moving on to villain imagines. General Hux, Kylo Ren, Darth Vader/Anakin, etc. Requests for villains are open.

requested by CyberwolfShadowblade


You gripped your blaster tight in your clammy hand. Of course, this wasn't your first assignment, but facing a well known Jedi master was a first for you.

You could see him standing off to the side, pretending to look at a shelf of goods at the market. You figured he was pretending; what Jedi needs parts for pods?

You pocketed your blaster and stepped out into the market. You kept your hands comfortably at your sides. You pretended to pick up a couple of things to buy. In the end, you ended up several feet away from the Jedi.

He turned his head slightly. You caught his gaze. His hand brushed against the red scruff on his chin, and his eyes flashed. He knew.

He walked off. He didn't move quickly, did not have a sign of panic in his stride. He was calm as he walked into a thick crowd, leaving you to chase after him.

It was chaos. You couldn't see him, but you knew that he was close. You were just beginning to grow angry when you saw him step onto a ship. You broke out into a run.

The lift was beginning to leave the ground. You sped up, forcing your feet to move faster. As you jumped to the platform, you were shocked to see that you had made it.

Your pleasant shock was soon replaced by fear as you felt a hand grip the top of your shirt and lift you off the floor.

You cried out, clawing at the hand with your fingernails. He slammed you onto the ground. Although the impact rattled your ribs, you did not hesitate to take out your blaster and point it at him.

Then, you saw a blast of blue and heard a buzzing sound unlike any other. A lightsaber.

"Why are you targeting me?" he demanded. You did not reply. He pointed the weapon at your chest. "Tell me!"

"There's a large price on your head," you explained. "I just wanted to see if I could fight a Jedi. Turns out they're harder to beat than I expected."

"Are you alone?" he demanded.

"Yes," you said.

"Who hired you?"

"It's anonymous," you said. "I get hired by a lot of different people. This man had a messenger. He told me that there was a Jedi on Tatooine that I had to kill."

He hummed.

You raised the blaster and fired, only for him to block it with one swipe of his lightsaber. He glared at you.

"Really?" he asked in disbelief.

"What? I'm starving," you said. "I don't want to give up. Killing you might be the only way I can afford dinner tonight."

His expression reflected pain. He stepped back slightly, allowing you to prop yourself on your elbows. You huffed and turned your head.

"I'm not going to beg," you said. "So if you want to kill me, do it."

The buzzing of the weapon stopped. He knelt down and yanked the blaster from your hands. You looked at him in disbelief.

"I'm not killing you," he said.

You blinked. "You're not?"

He stood up and put the weapons away. "No," he said, not looking at you.

"Since when are Jedi merciless?" you scoffed. You stood up and brushed your hands on the front of your pants. "I've heard stories about your wars. They're brutal."

"Not because of us," he said. He paused. "Besides, I am not a Jedi anymore. I am in exile."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," he said shortly. "Now relax. I am taking you to my home. There, you can eat and find clean clothes, and then you can leave."

He was telling the truth. You half expected him to shoot you the moment you had stepped in his house. Maybe he was a murderer; but then he would have killed you when you were on the ship with him.

He fed you a good amount of food. Your mouth watered at the variety. You were downing a cup of cold blue milk when you caught his gaze. He was staring at you again.

"I don't get it," you said.

"Don't get what?" he asked.

"Why you're helping me," you said. "I tried to kill you."

He smiled slightly. "You remind me of someone. A friend of mine. She... recently passed away."

"Oh." You dropped your head awkwardly. "I'm sorry."

"Do not be," he said. "And anyway... I like the company."

You raised your eyebrows. "Even when it's a person who tried to kill you?"

He laughed. It was a beautiful sound; it made your heart flutter. "I suppose that's sad, isn't it?"

"Just a little," you laughed, and he smiled. "But I get it..."

"Ben," he said.

"___," you introduced.

He smiled wider.

After that, it was easy to be around him. You found yourself dreading the moment when he would ask you to go and then being excited when he never asked you to leave. It felt, for once, that you might have found a home.

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