Imagine || Poe Dameron [part one]

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Imagine Kylo Ren searching Poe's mind for the map and finding you, instead, and decides to use you against him.

"The map," Kylo Ren said for the hundredth time. "Where is it?"

"The Resistance will not be intimidated by you," Poe gasped. The sweat dripped down his face. He swallowed his fear and looked at the cold, emotionless black mask before him.

"Where-" Kylo sneered. He held out his hand and moved closer to the pilot. Poe felt a blinding pain explode through his head. "-is it?"

Poe didn't respond. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. Kylo realized that he wasn't going to get it without moving further. He pushed inside of Poe's head. Poe responded with a strangled scream.

Instead of the map, Kylo came across something else. A memory of a girl. A warm, bright smile. A million kisses, a hundred embraces. Flashes of Poe and the girl go through Kylo's head. "A girl."

Poe stiffened.

"Oh... I see her. You were trying to hide her from me, but I see her. Who is she?" Kylo asked him.

"Get out of my head," Poe responded.

Kylo smirked beneath his helmet. "She means so much to you. You wake up everyday to her smiling face. You love her... you do this all to protect her. ___..."

This caused him more pain than the physical torture. "Stop-"

"She's beautiful, really. What if we paid her a visit? Brought her here to join us. Maybe it would make you more willing to cooperate if she was in these restraints, hm? Would you tell us then, or would you let her scream in pain-"

"Don't you dare touch her!" Poe shouted angrily.

Kylo pushed further into his head. "Then give me that map."

Poe, with one final cry of pain, let go. Kylo smirked as the pilot fell limp against his restraints. The map was located in a droid on Jakku. Satisfied, Kylo straightened up and walked out.

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