TLJ COUNTDOWN #4 Light | Finn

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honestly i love finn so so so much

requested by lyladree


Finn woke with a gasping start. "Rey!" he screamed, still feeling the brisk cold of Starkiller, the fear of seeing her on the cold ground, eyes closed and body still, the pain of Kylo Ren's lightsaber burning his shoulder and creating a line of agony up his spine.

His breath was coming out of him in quick puffs, but he was not in danger. He was in a tank.


Poe Dameron had grabbed your arm and dragged you out of your quarters, shouting how he was awake and alive. You were dazed; how long had you waited for him to wake up?

Inside of the room, you saw Finn sitting on the side of a table, a medical droid tending to him. He mumbled a tired, "Thanks," and swung his legs out once. Poe walked around him and clamped a warm hand on his shoulder, asking him how he was.

You slowly approached. "Finn?" you asked.

His head turned and his dark eyes fell on you. They widened and warmed, his full lips parting as he took you in.

"___," he said, amazed at the sight of you. He had left you on base before he left with Han Solo. It had taken a lot of begging, but you had been injured outside of Maz's cantina. "It's so good to see you."

"Is it?" you asked, tears in your eyes. You stood in front of him. "Finn, you could have died."

"But I didn't," he countered, smiling. He reached for your hand and took it. "After all we've been through together? I could never leave you like that."

You sniffed and stepped between his legs, wrapping your arms around his neck. You held him tight, thinking of when you had escaped Starkiller with him, when you both found Rey together, of when you were shot in the hip by a trooper and he had carried you to safety across the rubble, arm around your waist, panicked voice begging you to stay alive for him.

You thought of the painful goodbye; you whispering for him to stay safe as you laid on a table in agony, him clutching your hand and promising to bring himself and Rey back safe and sound. Hearing from General Leia that Han Solo had been killed and Finn had been injured. Waiting with Poe for an answer.

And now he was here, awake and alive and himself, and he was holding you, and you were holding him, just like it always was on Starkiller, when the training and war and battles became too much for either of you to handle.

You were each other's Light, you realized, and he was blinding.

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