TLJ COUNTDOWN #2 Kill Her | Kylo Ren

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hey guys,

stop requesting kylo x reader stories where he kidnaps and tortures you until you fall in love with him. also, keep your spoilers to yourself if you know any.

ily guys ♡

combined two requests for this because they worked so well! requested by Darkemeraldlibby and queen_jedi


"Kill her."

The words had barely registered in your brain before the lightsaber swung out at you. You gasped, staggering back as you ignited your own and stared into the eyes of Kylo Ren, the man who trained you and loved you.

The red plasma of your lightsaber against his created crimson sparks that flew between your face and his. His eyes were cold and dark, his lips twisted in pain. The Force rippled around him.

You had betrayed him.

You were tempted by the Light not too long ago and were now unable to complete any mission Snoke gave you. You now could see the selfish nature of the man, how he was a parasite, feeding off the strength of others.

"Kylo," you whispered, sweat forming on your face. He was pushing, urging you to swing at him and to fight. "Please."

A ripple of pain across his features. "You betrayed me," he stated simply.

"I know. I know I did," you said. "But I love you. No matter what this has become, I love you-"

"Kill her!" boomed Snoke. You and Kylo flinched. Kylo pushed you back hard, sending you staggering, saber clashing against yours.

"Kylo," you begged. You were scared - scared of dying, scared of Kylo, scared for Kylo. A whimper of fear burst out of your wet lips.

And he stopped.

He stopped pushing, stopped seething. His arms grew weak and he was unguarded. He stared at you with an unreadable expression.

Snoke wad growing impatient. His long, bony fingers curled on the armrests of his throne. He leaned forward, breath hissing.

"Kill her!"

Kylo dropped his weapon. He stared at you only as he spoke loud and clear. You no longer felt fear when you saw him gaze as he said -


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