Rewrite the Stars | General Armitage Hux

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requested by singing_disaster

this is inspired by rewrite the stars from the greatest showman


Hux felt himself straighten his spine a little straighter when he saw you walk by, your fingers holding up your floor length, gold gown, your hair brushing your back, your arms and sides sparking with the gems sewn into the fabric. He had only known you for three months, and it wasn't for Hux to rush into anything, but he knew he loved you. 

He knew from the first moment he met you. He knew from the look you gave Kylo Ren as he threw a tantrum. He knew from the way you greeted him, from the way you held your chin up and walked proudly, well aware of your title of princess, your power. 

He found himself looking forward to seeing you. Today, after a meeting discussing the merging of planets and ships to take place of the recently destroyed Republic, he approached you. He couldn't understand why his palms were so sweaty under his gloves until you looked up at him and smiled. 

"General Hux," you greeted, "what a pleasure it is to see you today."

He took your hand, watching the sparkle of your makeup, and kissed your hand. He gently dropped your hand. "The pleasure is mine, princess," he said. "What an honor to be in attendance of one of your meetings. You are a wonderful leader."

"Oh. Thank you," you said. "As are you."

"Please," he scoffed, scowling in the direction of Kylo Ren, "I am no leader."

You followed his gaze. "Supreme Leader Ren is no leader," you said.

He stared at you for a long moment. And then, forgetting his place, he raised his eyebrows. "Can I walk with you to the reception hall and get you a drink?"

You smiled. "I would love that."


weeks later

He couldn't contain his smile. It was small and hardly noticeable, but his face was tired - 

And he still kept smiling. 

The ship was nearing your planet. After several weeks of seeing you secretly, not letting anyone know of your relations with him, he was finally going to ask if you would spend the rest of your life with him. It was soon, even for Hux, but he had no doubt in his mind when he thought of you. 

You were everything to him. Looking at you, listening to you, it was like he was staring at the future he wanted. 

On the day he knew he needed to tell you about his feelings, he set up a meeting, claiming it to be "urgent". He got there an hour early just to whisk you away before the others came. As you and your guards walked into the room, he bowed to you, murmured something in your ear, and you followed him out of there, claiming to be going to the restroom. 

He grabbed both of your hands and took you into a thin crevice in the wall of the base. He pressed his fingers gently into your palms and beamed at you. His smile was never seen by anybody except for you. You laughed softly when you saw it, his perfect teeth shining. 

"What?" you'd asked. "What is it?"

"I need to tell you something," he had whispered, and his lips hurt. 

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