Traitor (part one) | Finn

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i love love love love finn. he's my second fav star wars guy!! precious

requested by G_Kraemer

again i don't really remember the last jedi so while this is loosely based on a scene in the movie, it is really an original idea


Finn fell to the ground with a huff. His wrists were cuffed; the cold feeling of the tight bands cutting into his wrists. He looked up, feeling his lip already swell as he looked up into the sleek, emotionless faces of the stormtroopers standing above him. He heard Rose cry out as she was forced onto her knees, too. 

The two stormtroopers standing in front of him stepped to the side as Captain Phasma walked up, standing proud with a blaster clutched to her chest.

"FN-2187," she said, her voice smug, "so good to have you back."

Finn didn't respond. The stormtrooper dug its fingers into his shoulder, making him hiss and jerk away. "Captain," he spat, his lip throbbing. 

"You two were truly foolish to think you were getting out of here without getting caught," General Hux said, approaching the group. "And now we get to decide how you die." He smiled and looked at Phasma. "Captain?"

"Execution by blasters is too good for them," she decided. "Perhaps we have something different in store for each of them. Take her-" She nodded her head to Rose, "and kill her here. And take him to our interrogation room. I think our Commander will have something special planned for our traitor."

Finn didn't cry. He didn't scream or beg or shake. He was scared, but he was prepared. He was a soldier in the Resistance now, and being a soldier meant sacrifices. They had failed, but they had tried. 

As he was forced onto his feet, he offered Rose one parting glance. Before BB-8 was taken away, he beeped after both of them, and Rose started to cry.


Finn tugged on the restraints that now left him strapped to a table. He jerked and grunted, trying to muster the Force just a little bit. He could use it, right? It was inside of everyone - right?

He was desperate. 

Just give up, his mind cried. You're tired. You put up your hardest fight.

I'm sorry, ___.

The doors opened with a hiss. Finn's head jerked to the side and saw Kylo Ren, unmasked and full of anger, storm into the room. He stood in front of him and looked him over. 

"Our infamous traitor," he said. "Coming back to defeat us and failing." He frowned. "Shame. But I always sensed failure in you. You couldn't even kill, could you?" He stepped forward. His hand reached out and Finn stiffened, knowing what this was. He fought so hard to not feel, not feel- "You'll feel this, traitor. I'll be sure of it."

Finn felt his mind get torn open. He screamed, the white hot pain splitting his brain into pieces. He couldn't figure out why Kylo Ren was looking through his mind when he had no information to give. He had nothing he didn't know already-

Kylo flipped through his thoughts so fast that Finn didn't know what he had stopped on. Suddenly the pain was gone and Finn could breathe. In and out. In and out.

"I knew she was the one," he murmured softly. 

Finn's eyes peeked open. Who?

"She was screaming your name earlier," he said. "Said she could sense you."

He lifted his head, panic filling him. 

"Maybe you should see her," Kylo said harshly, and he walked to the side of the tilted table Finn was on and turned it around. 

And Finn cried out at what he saw. 

You were strapped to a table identical to his. Your head was hanging low and you were bruised and bloody. 

"___!" he screamed, eyes wide. 

How did someone find you? Where did they take you from? He had left you with Poe, you were safe-

Kylo walked over to you and cupped the bottom of your chin. He forced your head up and your eyes peeled open. You whimpered and turned away from Kylo, terrified. 

"Get away from her!" he shouted. 

"Finn?" you said, voice almost too faint to hear. 

Finn was breathing heavy. "Let her go! You got me, I got the information!"

"Enough of the lies!" Kylo screamed. "I've searched your mind. You have nothing to offer me. She had everything I needed to know." He raised his open hand to your face. "But this isn't for information. This is for being a traitor. This is your execution, FN-2187."

Finn didn't have time to let out a scream before you were thrashing on the table, weeping and sobbing as your mind was ripped apart. 

Finn pulled on the restraints until he bled. He cried out and pleaded, unable to handle watching you break down the way you were. It went on for minutes until you slumped over again, breathing shallow. Kylo left without a word. 

It was quiet now. Finn was sobbing, whimpering your name again and again. 

They had done it. The First Order had found a way to control him even without him still being a piece of their army. They had somehow gotten a hold of you and now you were being tortured in front of him as a punishment. 

And that, Finn knew - they knew - was worse than the simple execution Rose was getting. 

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