She's Nothing To Me (part one) | Kylo Ren

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requested by lyladree


You walked down the corridor of the ship, hands balled up tight at your sides. Your strides were uninterrupted until a black cloak brushed across the side of your leg and a tall, dark figure stopped in front of you. You froze.

"Supreme Leader," you said emotionlessly.

His brown eyes flickered. "You know you don't need to call me by a title. Even now."

Now. Now that he was the Supreme Leader, now that he had a Force bond with that girl named Rey-

"You didn't come to meet me when I returned," he stated.

You stared.

"I thought you had been hurt during the fight," he said, softer now. He stepped closer and reached out to touch your face with the back of his hand. You flinched away. He froze and his eyes darkened. "What?"

"I don't..." You looked away from him. "I don't think we should talk like this anymore."

"Talk like this?" he repeated.

"I don't know what happened between you and the girl, but-"

"She's nothing to me," he spat. "Supreme Leader Snoke bonded us to fool us. He failed. He's dead. It's over."

You stared him in the eyes and stood up on your toes. "And yet," you hissed, "you saw her. Even after the fight. You're bonded for life, Kylo. Can't you see that?" There was an unforgiving harshness in your eyes. "Surely you can see it."

He stared at you silently until you walked around him and hurried away.

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