You're Free Now | Kylo Ren

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this was requested by no one but i love kylo and needed to write about him so 

i am just SO EXCITED to meet him at wdw!!! i'm going in May and it'll be the first time there since they've added sequel stuff (last time i went i missed Kylo by one day haha)


Kylo could never shake the anxiety he usually felt when he was called in by the Supreme Leader. His leader could never seem to be pleased with what he did. And not only was he terrified of what could take place, he was annoyed that he had missed his chance to go see you. 

He had met you during one of his missions. It was pretty much love at first sight. Months of being together, short visits, nothing more than passing glances, all led up to the marriage you both were secretly planning. Kylo was the one that proposed and begged you to elope with him. He would go to the end of the galaxy to marry you.

The doors slid open to Snoke's throne room. His guards stood perfectly still, weapons in hand. Kylo crossed halfway to the room and knelt down respectfully. 

"Stand up," Snoke said, rising from his throne. "You complete and utter fool."

Kylo winced. 

"Take your mask off."

Kylo obeyed. He hoped Snoke wouldn't notice his fingers shaking. 

Snoke sneered at him. "I had hoped that you would be better than this," he had said. "That a man with as much given to him freely would appreciate his life. Killing your father was meant to make you stronger, and it has done the opposite. And you're thinking, how does he know that? But it just proves my point even further. You're a fool." Snoke raised his hand slowly, and Kylo saw, with his heart sinking all the way to the floor, that you were being brought to him. 

You were bruised and bloody and crying. Your gown was nearly in shreds. A sound of pain escaped him as you were dropped right in front of the throne. You landed on your side, limp. Your eyes opened and looked at Kylo. 

"Kylo?" you whispered. 

He stared at you in horror. 

"You thought I wouldn't find out? That I wouldn't discover what you were hiding? A planned marriage without my say... you could tear this whole life I've made for you apart. This - this woman-" He gestured to you. "She isn't aligned with us! She is part of the Resistance. Didn't you know that?" He crossed his arms. "And yet... somehow... she fell in love with you, a murderer of her people."

Kylo dropped his head. "Please, Supreme Leader, I-"

"Enough!" he shouted. "You! You have disgraced me! And now you will pay the price." He held his hand to you. There on the ground, you began to choke.

"No," Kylo said weakly. You let out a squeak of pain and he fell forward, catching himself on his hands. "No, please-" You face turned a shade of red. "No!" 

A ripple came out of him, making the entire ship tremble. Guards collapsed, metal whined beneath the pressure, and he stood up. Snoke nearly fell back. He caught himself on his throne and raised his hand the stop Kylo just as Kylo ran forward, igniting his lightsaber and throwing it towards his master. 

Snoke caught the hilt with his hand and growled. "You think you can defeat me! Look at you. Love has made you into the same weak boy I found. It's sad." He laughed. "And yet you try!"

Kylo pushed harder. His teeth slammed together. "I won't," he hissed, "let you hurt her anymore."

"Why?" Snoke continued to laugh. "Why are you such a-" His eyes suddenly widened. Kylo looked at him, confused as he tried to take in the twisted look of pain on his master's face. Snoke fell back, his hand slipping from Kylo's lightsaber. They both looked down to see a single small hand holding the end of a knife that was plunged through Snoke's ribs. 

Kylo followed the arm and saw your face, staring at the creature with disgust. 

Snoke fell backwards towards the throne. Kylo let out a roar of anger and sliced his lightsaber right through him, cutting him in half. 

Then the guards came forward. 

You only had a knife. Kylo couldn't help but worry for you, holding a small bloody dagger in your hand. But you still pressed your back towards Kylo and fought, screaming in anger as you did so. Kylo often turned around to watch you and make sure you were alright. 

Your dagger could barely pierce through the guard's armor, but you had just enough strength to catch them in the throat. One fell at your feet and another grabbed you from behind, hooking an arm around your neck and jerking you backwards. You gasped and Kylo turned around, getting distracted. He took a single step forward, hand out, prepared to stop the guard holding you - 

And he got cut down his side. 

He cried out and fell to his knees. You looked at him. 

"Kylo!" you screamed, kicking and struggling. 

He held his arm across stomach, hand pressing against the cut on his side. He held his hand up against and felt for the Force. The guard holding you collapsed, the guards behind him collapsed, and the room was quiet for half a second. 

Kylo stared at the ground, grunting and gasping through the pain. He jumped in surprise as hands landed on him, but with a glance up, he saw your worried face. He breathed out and reached up to cup your face. "You're-" The movement made pain shoot across his torso. His face nearly met the ground, but you caught him. "You're alive," he finished, feeling you turn him onto his back. 

You checked his wound. "Oh gosh, Kylo... I can't fix this here," you said, terrified. 

Kylo focused on deep breaths in and out. "Okay," he said. "Then... take me to your home."

You looked at him. "What?"

"Take me," he breathed out slowly, "with you."

You searched his eyes and nodded. "Okay. Okay. You have to help me, though. You have to tell me where to go."

He slowly put his arm around your shoulders and lifted himself up off the floor. You supported as much of his weight as you could and limped towards the doors. You kept one of your hands on his chest and he moved his gloved hand to hold it there. 

"I love you," he said sadly, "and I am so sorry I let this happen."

"Don't be," you said, shaking your head. "You're free now."

For the first time in his life, he really felt like he was free.

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