Priorities | Poe Dameron

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requested by MaxiDerwent

this isn't really from the last jedi necessarily sorry but i don't remember it that well even though i saw it twice haha


Poe ran the viewport and his heart fell out of his chest. He made a choking sound of pain, seeing the First Order getting so close to the ship he thought they were safe one. He watched as all of the ships behind him got shot down - leaving just them. 

Just the few of them, stranded in the middle of space, too far away from the nearest planet to be safe. 

"Oh, Maker,"  he breathed. He pushed his hands away from the glass and turned around. His boots squeaked and he nearly tripped over his feet, which seemed too heavy at the moment. He saw them at the seat by the viewport on the other side and cried out. 

His wife and his mother-in-law, hand in hand, both looking like regal princesses always. He fell on his knees in front of them and grabbed his wife's hands. 

"Poe," you said, "what is it?"

Your mother sighed, feeling it in the Force. "They're here. We've lost."

"We need to get out of here," Poe gasped. "I need to get you two someplace safe."

"We have enough escape pods," Leia said, nodding. "We'll be okay." 

"You two are my priorities right now," Poe said. "Come on. We gotta go before they blast us right out of the sky."

"Would he?" you asked, looking to your mother. "Would Ben really shoot us out of the sky?" You looked so broken, so hurt. Poe resisted the urge to pull you to his chest and hold you. He really just needed you to be safe and on another ship. 

Leia gave her daughter a sad smile. "Ben is dead, love." 

Your eyes filled with tears and then the entire ship shook. "We've been hit!" someone shouted. 

"Okay, we have to go," Poe said. He grabbed both of them and pulled them up. He ran them down the corridor and towards the escape pods. "The General gets one first! The General and the princess get theirs first!" he shouted, and everyone obeyed. 

One of the escape pods was opened and Leia stepped inside. An alarm was blaring. You got in, too, reaching over to hold your mother. You looked at Poe and began to say something but stopped when you saw him shutting the door. 

"No, no, no," you said quickly, leaning out and shoving the door back open. You shook your head. "What are you doing?"

"I love you, baby," he said, voice cracking, "but I need to stay and fight."

"No," you said. Then, angrier: "No! You are not leaving me, Poe Dameron!" You grabbed his sleeve and pulled. "Get on this stupid ship now." You clenched your teeth. "Now, Poe! I just lost my brother. My dad is gone. Don't you dare leave me." He searched your eyes. "You are my priority, too."

Poe took in a deep breath and got in. You breathed out in relief and wrapped your arms around him. As the ship took off, he held you close, breathing in the scent of your hair. He couldn't stand life without you, either. 

"I love you," he gasped, pulling back to look at your face. He cupped your cheeks with his hands, his shaking hands. "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you, too," you said. You kissed him and then leaned back, reaching over and grabbing your mother's hand. 

Together, the three of you sat and waited until you landed on the planet below. 

The three of you, a family. 

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