May the 4th Be With You! | Bodhi Rook

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requested by tamii_to

okay, so today, I went to the Disney Store and bought these bc they were on clearance:

& now I don't know how I want to put them on the plain black baseball cap that I bought today

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& now I don't know how I want to put them on the plain black baseball cap that I bought today. I need your guys' input on this - should I put all of them on the hat together, or just make a First Order hat? There are only two First Order, but I was going to look for another to make it even. I'm just not sure. haha


The nightmares kept him up more now than ever before.

Every time he closed his eyes, he could see the landscape of terror. Blood, death, pain, and sparks of fire and light coming from weapons and ships. He could hear the screams and shouts, the sounds of men and women alike risking it all for a cause he barely had entered.

He was too afraid to sleep, and so he didn't. He stayed awake for days at a time. He was too afraid to face the reality of his fears. Perhaps it would be better if he talked about it.

But who would he tell? The rest of his team? He wasn't sure if he could bother them with it. The only other person he knew was you, a girl he had met after Scarif.

You had recently begun to date Bodhi after months of being close friends. It was still unreal to him that you would chose to be with someone like him. You seemed too good; too brave, too strong, too beautiful. He already doubted himself greatly when it came to whether he was good enough for you or not. He didn't want you to think that he was weak.

So he relied on caffeine and keeping himself busy to help his eyes stay open. His body weight seemed twenty pounds more than usual. Every step was like walking through waist-high water.

"Hi, Bodhi," he heard, and he felt the light pressure of your fingers on the inside of his wrist.

He turned his head and saw you come into view. It took him longer than usual to register your face. You smiled, a smile that always sent his heart in a beat that was out of control.

"Good morning," he said, and his voice was groggy.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Didn't get enough sleep, huh?" You reached up and brushed your hand through his messy hair.

He forced a smile. "Guess not."

You frowned. "Well, did you want to do something today? My schedule is clear. We can go have a picnic away from base."

He looked away from you. "Not today, okay, sweetheart? I've got a bit of a busy schedule today. Maybe another time."

"Oh." He didn't look at you, knowing that your face had probably fallen. But he heard it in your voice. "Okay, sure. Another time."

"Sorry," he said, but you were already gone.

With a long sigh, he prepared himself for a long day at work.

Hours later, you walked by him. Bodhi was slacked against the ship, staring up at the cloudy sky. You stopped walking and stared at him. Crossing your arms, you approached him.

"Busy, huh?"

He jumped. His red, tired eyes landed on you and he immediately stood up straight. "___, I-"

"You haven't been sleeping," you said. "Don't you think I know?"

"I can't sleep," he whispered. "I can't."

"Why didn't you tell me?" you asked. You reached for his hand. "Bodhi, you look so tired."

He dropped his head. Pieces of hair fell in his face. "I didn't... I didn't want you to think little of me. I just - I don't know how you do it. How do you see what we have seen and still sleep?"

You smiled sadly. "Bodhi... trust me, no one here sleeps. We all struggle. You just have to be brave together. And how could you possibly think that I would see you as weak? Don't you know that I think the galaxy of you?"

He blinked. You grabbed both of his hands and pulled him around and into the ship. Silently, you took the goggles off of his head and helped him shrug out of his jacket. As he stepped out of his boots, you did the same.

Together, you curled up against the wall and leaned against one another. You draped his jacket over both you and him and sighed into his chest.

"You can sleep," you whispered. "And it's okay if you're scared. I'll always be here for you - just like I know you'll always be here for me."

For the first time, Bodhi closed his eyes with little fear as to what his dreams would conjure up for him. He was at peace with you - the one person he loved, the one person who understood him - at his side.

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