Imagine || Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi going against the Jedi Council because he fell in love with you.

You exited your close friend, Padme's, bedroom and started towards the room where the Jedi Council meets. You don't pay much attention to anything but the way your robes look as you walked quickly.

"Hello there," the familiar voice of your best friend said.

You looked up just in time to meet his eyes as you crashed into his chest. "Oh! Master Obi-Wan--- I'm so sorry!"

He smiled brightly. "No worries, ___. I haven't seen much of you lately."

Your face burned and you tried to come up with a quick answer that sounded real. "Well, I--- uh ---I've been busy, ya know. Now that I'm on the Council, anyways--- and Padme, I've been with her a lot---"

His smile never seemed to go away. He kept grinning at you, holding onto everything you said. You pursed your lips together and looked down. What could you say--- I've been avoiding you because I'm in love with you and I can't say anything because the Jedi Council forbade it? No. No way. Lately, your relationship with him has leaned more towards romantic. It was terrifying.

"Hm. Well, that certainly sounds like a reasonable enough excuse for avoiding somebody."

Your heart drops. "Obi..."

"It's quite all right, ___."

You wanted to get away from this. This was a conversation that you planned on avoiding for a long, long time. In fact, you never wanted to face it at all. "We're going to be late to the meeting if---"

"Right. Of course." He looked down for a moment, as if he had to think about what to do next. You started to move around him when he reached out, cupped your face in both of his hands, and smashed his lips against yours. Your eyes popped open in shock. You were even more surprised when you realized that you were kissing him back. It just felt so right.

He pulled back and looked into your eyes. His thumbs stroked your cheeks as he took in every detail of your reddened face. "Obi-Wan... the Council! They'll--- they'll---!"

"Shhh--- I don't want to think of that right now." He smiled. "I only want to have this moment, right here, right now, with you. I'm in love with you, ___." His hands moved to your shoulders. He squeezed them gently.

Suddenly, you weren't afraid. Whatever the Council was going to do wouldn't be too bad. You could survive it. You lips curled up into a smile and you reach out, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I'm in love with you, too."

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