TLJ COUNTDOWN #6 Do Better | Kylo Ren

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requested by EyeOfTheComet

requests are still open. place in yours before the 15th. (no tlj requests until the 17th!)


From the moment your husband stormed inside your shared quarters, you knew something was wrong. You jumped as you heard the roar of anger, deep from the center of his chest, following by the sound of his lightsaber igniting and the walls bending and moving against it.

You sighed, wiping your hands on the sides of your robes as you strode into the room he was currently destroying. You hesitated, practicing patience (the one skill your husband had never known) as you let him get his anger out until you had enough of it.

Finally, you walked towards him.

"Ren, stop it," you hissed, grabbing his wrist. "You're acting like a child again-" He turned his head to look at you with anger. You stretched up on your toes. "I said stop!"

He yanked his arm away and walked to the other side of the room. You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest as you gave him time to calm down. When he did, he sank down on the floor, knees to his chest.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

You approached him. "What happened?"

"The girl," he stated simply. You nodded. He reached for your hand, captured it, and pressed his lips to your knuckles. "I'm sorry. I disappoint you."

"You don't disappoint me," you replied. "Never could you disappoint me. I married you because I loved you and I will love you through all of your victories and all of your failures." He did not reply. You brought your other hand to his hair for a moment before dropping it.

"You can do better, Ren," you said evenly. You pulled your hand out of his and touched his cheek. "You will do better." You turned around and left, hoping what you said was true.

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