Chapter 1 (cliche, I know, but I couldn't think of a title...)

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Jake's POV

But for the rain, I wouldn't have been late. I was in a bad mood that day and it wasn't because it was raining. It was my parents' and brother's memorial.

I knocked the door and everyone turned to look at me. You know that awkward moment when you are late and everyone looks at you as if you just murdered someone? Well, that's how it happened. Everyone turned except that girl on the first row, the nerd, Sophia, who kept taking down notes. Everyone knew she had no social life at all, but it wasn't as if she had a choice- I mean, even if she tried to get some friends, they would only hang out with her to cheat in the next test. And I will be truthful, that's what I would do too.

I sat at my desk in the back of the class and took out my maths book. After a long boring hour, we finally got out to go to our next class.

Anyway, while I was eating my snack at the break, I saw the bullies mocking Sophia again. It was an everyday sight and nobody ever did anything about it. I was in a bad mood, so I decided to go do something. Maybe they would leave her alone for a while. I knew what it was like to be bullied.

"Hey, leave her alone!" I said and they turned around surprised. The most surprised expresion, was that of Sophia's.

"What did you just say?" The bully asked.
"I said, leave her alone. What are you, deaf?" I replied.
"And what will you do if I don't?" He said ignoring my question.
"I will beat you, like you beat that other guy who is one year older than us."
"Who? Mike? That loser? And what could you possibly do to me?"
"He is no loser because he is better than you in a game or two and I am tougher than I look." I said and Sophia snorted.
"Look I don't care what got into you today, because I go through this every day and nobody cares. In fact, I have gotten used to it, so go ahead, turn around and go." She sounded really mad.
"I was just trying to help, okay? And you are not the only one bullied around here."
"Why could you possibly be bullied for?" She asked accusingly.
"Sorry to interrupt your budding romance here, but we are supposed to be annoying you right now."
"We are not flirting!" Sophia protested. "Besides, don't you have other victims? Take a day off of me." She continued and walked away leaving us all dumbfounded.

I ran from the bullies to Sophia.
"Wait!" I said and she span around.
"What do you want?" She sounded scary, as if she could rip my hand off and feed it to me. I wondered how these guys weren't afraid of her.
"Ehm... I just--"
"No. Don't. I don't need your pity. I have learnt to live with myself, and I really don't need a savior." She was forceful and mad. That was for sure, so I let her be. I didn't need a crazy girl to tell me off for standing up for her.

The rest of my day was normal. I got picked up on by a couple of bullies, as usual, and went home at my grandpa's. And that was my routine.
Liz's POV

Okay, I will be frank with you. Everyone thinks I skip school to go out and some cool, illegal stuff. Truth is, I do illegal stuff but definetly not cool. To be honest, I don't like what I am doing, but I do it because I have to. I have never been caught in my life, but it was sheer luck. And why I did it? For my mom. Yes, of course. Everyone thinks I am a rebel. Why? Because it is what I show them. If they knew what I did and why I did it, I wouldn't only be one of the most common victims at school, but I would have been arrested long ago.

You see... I rob banks. I need the money to afford rehab for my mother. My dad is in prison and he wouldn't, be much of a help even if he wasn't. My mom is an alcoholic. I have to help her out, because I am sick of losing my life in doing so. So, no. I am not trying to bail my dad out, I am trying to save my mom's life before it is too late. Nobody knows that and nobody will, at least that's what I thought until I started hanging out with these guys.

So... Back to the damn story. I had skipped school that day. The usual. So, I was going at school later when I bumped into that 16 year old dude who said he was looking for students "that are bullied and are considered social outcasts" or something. I told him that I am not the social kind of student, but not an outcast either. Anyway, he insisted we met after school at campus. He said there would be some others too, hopefully.

I didn't pay much attention, but I didn't have anything better to do, so I agreed. Why did I do that? It only brought trouble. If I knew... Anyway. I did meet him after school. With him were two kids from my class (that girl looked seriously pissed), him and a guy a year older than me. What a bunch of losers we were. A bully's dream.
Charlie's POV

So I invited four kids to meet me after school. I didn't know them, they didn't know me, so I was surprised they came. As to why I invited them? I was all alone, they were all alone and it was obvious we could help each other out. Seriously, they needed some company.

First was Jake. That guy was a year younger than me and did pretty well in class. Then there was that girl Elizabeth who skipped school and all. There was also Michael, one year younger, great gamer. And lastly, was that girl Sophia from Jake's and Elizabeth's class, a nerd. She was a genius and probably knew more than I had been taught in class.
"So what do you want?" Sophia asked.
"Jeez, girl... Are you on your period or something?" Elizabeth said chewing her gum.
"I wasn't talking to you." She replied aggressively.
"Girls, we don't want a catfight. Let me introduce myself. My name is Charlie King and I invited you all here so we could stand up to our bullies."
"Name's Liz. Liz Thorn. Don't you dare call me Elizabeth, you will be dead in a matter of seconds." Note to self: do not mess with El-- with Liz.
"My name is Sophie Dawn. And I am mad because I could be studying right now."
"Chill girl, you already know by heart this year's and the next's books." Liz replied.
"Okay... I am Mike Sharp."
"Jake Light. Nice meeting you."
"Okay, wanna meet tomorrow at the cafe around the corner?" I asked them. Sophie grunted, but they agreed.

Off to a good start, right? Wrong.

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