Chapter 26

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Mike's POV

Liz gasped. "Nope. This isn't happening."

"Wait, you know this guy?" I ask her.

"That's my dad..." She is wide-eyed.

"Wasn't he in prison?" Jake asks.

"I escaped. I had enough money to make the cops shut up. Now that you got the relatives out of the way, you leave me no other choice. This will hurt." He says and Sophie starts screaming, clutching her ears like the first time her powers worked, but worse.

"Sophie!" We all say at the same time, but when we try to approach, she screams louder.

She is on her knees and her face is red and full of tears.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jake growls.

"Bringing down her walls, bringing out her nightmares but not letting her pass out. Quite painful."

"Dad, stop this!" Liz shouts.

"You're mad, and not the Jack Sparrow kind of mad..." I tell him. Charlie stands beside Liz's dad smiling with satisfaction.

"Stop it!" Liz pleads.

"Follow Charlie to the chamber in the other room." He tells us.

"Okay, now stop it!" She says, and Sophie falls down unconscious.

"Someone pick her up." Voldy says and Jake takes Sophie in his arms.

We follow Charlie, glaring both at him and his boss.

Then Jake nods at me, I stop time and hide Sophie behind some boxes. When things start moving again, Jake charges at Voldy and Liz manages to turn into a black panther.

She wasn't kidding when she said she would try animal transformations.

As Jake and Liz attack Voldy, I take care of Charlie, by stopping time, punching him multiple times in the stomach, going away and starting things again.

It doesn't do much, but it keeps him busy.

After a while I glance at how the others are doing. Voldy has a claw mark across his face, a swollen cheek and a nasty cut on his sides. I wonder how he is still up.

I take Charlie further, which was my mistake.

He pushes me down and takes a huge box to bring over my head, but before he can do anything he falls down sideways.

"What the..." I say, but then I see a dizzy looking Sophie with another box hovering next to her. She has taken her mask and wig off. "Sophie! What the hell are you doing? Go hide!"

"I am not hiding. Forget it. After this, I am done with being a hero. Can you take me behind him so I can take him down?" She asks.

"Dammit, I am going to regret this."

I take her behind Voldy and take Liz and Jake away from there. When I unfreeze time, they look at me with a "what-the-hell-have-you-done" look.

Before they can complain, Voldy flys across the room in front of us and crashes at a wall.

"If I was about to kill Charlie when Jake was in hospital, imagine what I am going to do to you now." She hisses. I have never seen her madder

She throws him again harder and he falls unconscious. She turns around to look at us, but Voldy moves.

"Watch out!" I shout. Sophie turns around and sees a dagger flying towards her.

We are all too shocked to move.

The dagger stabs someone, but it's not Sophie.

It is her mother. Voldy chuckles and passes out for real.

Jane Dawn stands frozen, as the blood trickles from her mouth and stomach.

"Mom!" Sophie shrieks. Jane falls down, and Sophie falls on her knees. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I am sorry for not being there." Jane whispers, but because of the eerie silence we can all hear her.

"No! Don't you dare, mom!" Sophie shrieks, but her mom is already dead.

We are all too shocked to move again.

Jane Dawn, the coldest person alive, jumped in front of a dagger to save her daughter and died.

Before you start asking, I did take her outside with the others, but she must have come back in when Liz's dad was torturing Sophie.

It has been a year. We haven't gone on patrol ever since. The public found out about our identities. Liz's dad went back to prison, but in a high security one, where they tranq him before leaving meals in his cell and he is always locked up.

Jake's grandpa took Sophie in permanently and we all started spending more time with our families.

At school everyone wanted to hang out with us, but we ignored them.

As for Charlie, he went to prison because he was too powerful to go to juvie.

Sophie went through depression, but we helped her out as much as we could and now she is okay again. She is far more serious though and laughs less. She is not the only one that changed, we all went through big changes after what happened at the warehouse.

Our lives are normal now- well as normal they can be when we have superpowers that everyone knows of.

Turns out that Charlie's promotion was set up by Voldy, who promised even more money to Charlie.

The former's plans were to get our powers and "conquer the world". Classic villain.

As for our families, they were kind of shocked but accepted us.

And that's pretty much it. We tried to live as normal lives ad we could and we made it. We stayed out of trouble and drama because we had enough of it. We stayed away from our classmates because they only cared when they found out we had superpowers and were pretending. We took our opportunities and went to University, but made the headmasters accept us for our grades, not for our history.

We stayed with each other forever. Besides, what kind of crazy person would understand what we went through and accept us for being ourselves?


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