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Hey! Choco here. Okay, first off thank you for reading this... eh... whatever this is. Secondly, I am thinking of writing a sequel. I don't know if you would like me to, but I already have a manuscript ready (in my mind at least) and I am sure it will be worse than this one.

Now the characters. What happened to them after what happened. I know I said a little stuff about it in the last chapter, but there are some more things I would like to add here.

Sophia and Jake became official after she got through her depression. Well, of course she went through depression. Her mom jumped in front of a dagger to save her even after she ran away from home and they had been arguing for months. Anyway, if the sequel happens, I have some more things about them but I am not saying yet.

Mike and Liz were official even before the warehouse, I know there was not much chemistry, I mostly worked on Sophie and Jake, I know I am stupid, I am sorry.

Charlie went to jail and you might hate me if I say that I had this planned out from the beginning. He never actually cared about the others, just Liz and it wasn't true. When the thing at the bridge happened (I cried a little writing this, but I wrote it anyway because it was planned too), Charlie wanted to hurt someone for revenge, but not to the point of nearly killing them. He didn't actually think before hitting Jake and hit him harder than he wanted to. There is also a slight possibility Voldy had been controlling his mind, even though I am not sure if this would fit in the plot...

Voldy went to jail again, away from people. Nobody went in the cell unless he was drugged and he stayed there for the rest of his miserable life because he was a madman.

Jake's grandpa managed to adopt Sophie who was orphaned, she already lived with him and Jake anyway. Charlie's parents didn't believe their son would do anything like that, Liz's mom was finally better and they eventually made up and lived like mother and daughter, Mike's life was always pretty much normal so nothing really changed... I think that's all.

So that's it, unless you want a sequel. Just tell me in the comments if so. It might take a while. I am also writing a new story called "Busted!", I will publish some chapters when it is ready. Thanks again and bye!!!

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