Chapter 19

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Sophie's POV

When I said my mom called I wasn't lying. She was really back after two months and she was going to hear it.

Guess who should win the "Worst Mom Of The Year Award"; my mom. And second place is for Liz's mother.

I went inside and found her sitting in the couch.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"At a friend's."

"Since when do you have friends?!"

"Five months now. I have been telling you, but you are too busy."

"Who are they? I want last names."

"No way." I laugh.

"Since when did you become disobedient? I told you I want their last names." She says.


"To check them out."

"You won't have to. Liz is in my class. Jake lives around the corner, also in my class. Charlie and Mike are a year older." I tell her.

"Yeah, I don't care about that. I want their grades, their parents' jobs, etc. Now."

"Since when do you care?"

"I always cared, Sophia." She says and I scowl.

"That's why you didn't come at dad's funeral or to visit me when I was in the hospital?"

"We have talked about this, I was busy. Now tell me what I asked you."

"I hate you." I blurt out before I can stop myself.

"What was that?" She asks.

"I hate you." I tell her again.

"Your own mother? You ungrateful child--"

"SHUT UP! Don't talk to me, okay? I am grateful that you weren't here, even though you could at least come when your family needed you! All you do is criticize! Look at your own mess for once!" I shout at her and run up the stairs.

I have saved up some money, I will go stay at a motel for a while.

I shut the door as I enter my room and lock it. With a wave of my hand I open my wardrobe and with another I bring out my black suitcase on my bed. I unzip it and start putting clothes inside, ignoring my mother who was banging on the door telling me to open. Well now she can go to hell, because I don't give a damn either.

I get my pajamas, my "suit", my favourite clothes and books, my laptop, my charger and my school books. Thank god I have a big suitcase.

I put it on the floor and drag it behind me. I open the door, shove my mom sideways and start going down the stairs.

"Where are you going? Why do you have a suitcase?" She asks.

"I thought you were smart. I am leaving this hellhole. Bye, mom." I open the front door and start walking down the street. My mom was too shocked to follow me.

It isn't dark, but it is kind of scary. I keep walking and walking but I don't know if my money is enough for the motel and the suitcase is too heavy for me, even though I am pulling it.

I set it down and sit on it Harry-Potter style. Only this time there is no Knight Bus, Leaky Cauldron or Burrow.

And then I hear a familiar voice.

"What are you doing?" Jake asks me.

"Resting." I sigh.

"Let me rephrase: where the hell are you going with the suitcase?"

"At a motel. I argued with my mom, packed my stuff and left."

"You are not going at a motel." He says.

"What?!" I say standing up, which was a mistake.

As I did, he ran and took my suitcase.

"You are coming at my house."

"Nope. Not gonna happen. I won't be a burden at your house, forget it." I tell him.

"Who said you will be a burden?"

"I did. Now give me my suitcase."

"Nope. You have no choice, now keep up." This guy is dead.

We arrived at his house five minutes later. I explained him the whole situation on the way there.

"Grandpa! I am home!" He shouts and his grandpa shows up from the kitchen. "Sophie will be staying here for a while." he continues after explaining.

"Oh, no! I will go to a motel as long as he turns his back." I tell his grandpa.

"Nonsense! You are welcome here, child. Stay for as long as you like." He says.


"No 'buts'. You are our guest." He says again.

"Okay, but I will sleep on the couch." I say.

"No, you are taking my bed, I will sleep on the couch." Jake argues.

"Not gonna happen."

"Sophie, you are taking the guest room." Jake's grandpa says. Dammmit.

"I don't--"

"Dawn, shut it and go upstairs. I will bring you your suitcase." Jake orders.

"Come on! I feel like I am taking advantage of you or something! At least let me carry my suitcase!"

"No, you have a hurt arm." Dammit, again.

"I really hate you sometimes..." I mutter and follow him upstairs.

"Shut up, you love me." He says and, for no apparent reason, I blush at his remark. "Besides, I have saved your life at least ten times." He adds..

"Wait, when was the tenth?"

"When you slipped as you landed on the hotel two days ago." He says and I grunt.

He opens the door and places my suitcase on the bed.

"Do you want any more help?" He asks.

"No, but I need you to tell me where you keep the bedsheets."

"I will bring them to you in a minute."

"Okay.." I say and he turns around to leave. "Jake?" I ask him and he turns back. "Thank you, again. You just keep helping out and I keep complaining and--" dammit, I got treaty eyed...

He hugged me tightly.

"No need to thank me and I don't mind your complaints." He said and I nodded. "Are you sure you don't need any more help?" He asks again.

"Yeah..." I nod.

As I was unpacking my suitcase, I kept thinking about all Jake has done for me. He got detention because I was being picked up on, he nearly got shot so that I wouldn't, he was there for me when my dad died, he told his grandpa to help me out with my dad's funeral, he took me in his house so I wouldn't pay for a motel, and that's only to name a few. And what have I done? Always competing with him. Always ranting. Always complaining. What the hell is wrong with me? I think it's time I return the favor.

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