Chapter 21 (Still here?! Wow...)

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Liz's POV

Charlie called me this morning. Yeah, the morning after we caught Jake on top of Sophie because she stumbled.

He said he wanted to meet. I don't know why, but if he actually called instead of text, it must be urgent.

So here I am, ten in the morning, going to the café Charlie works at.

I walked inside, asked to see him and the rude barista let me through.

"Hey! What's up?" I ask Charlie when I finally spot him.

"Oh, you came!"

"Of course I came, why wouldn't I?"

"Nothing, just stress." He says. Okay, he is officially acting weird.

"What did you want to tell me?"

"Not tell, actually... More like ask." He says.


"Will you go out with me?" He asks so quickly, I barely understood what he said.

"Uh... Charlie, I am so sorry, but I see you as a brother, not the kind of guy I would date... I am so sorry!" I say. Well that caught me off guard.

"No, it's okay. I was just asking, it's fine, really." He replies, clearly disappointed.

"Look, I need to go study for a chemistry test... We will talk later, okay?" I tell him, and it is practically the truth.

Actually, it's not only that I see him like a brother, but the fact that I like someone else too. I like Mike. There, I said it (happy now, Dawn?).

And he is supposed to help me with chemistry, which would make things worse if Charlie knew.

I headed over my house to get my books and then went straight at Mike's.


"Uh... Liz?" Mike said.

"Yeah, what is it?" I replied.

"I want to tell you something..."


"You are awful at chemistry." He said humorously but keeping a straight face. I laugh.

"Yeah, I know. Anything new?" I say sarcastically.

"I like you." He blurted out. I could tell he didn't mean to, but he did and I just blushed and smiled.

"Me too." I say and he leaned in.

And then we kissed. I know, there weren't any signs like with those other two idiots, but I did like Mike. Sophie had figured it out (by reading me, but that's a small detail).

But being myself, with all my bad luck, eveverything had to be ruined.

The bedroom door swang open and Charlie came in.

"Hey, Mike, your mom l--" he stopped dead at what he had just seen. "Liz?" I stood frozen and wide-eyed.

And then he stormed outside and left.

"Wait... What happened?" Mike asked.

"He asked me out before I came here, but I turned him down... Dammit..." I replied shaking my head.

Mike sighed.

"Just... Let's get back to stud--"

"No. If it is going to be awkward, I'd rather go home and study on my own." I interrupt him. "I made a choice, Mike. I turned him down and chose you. If you are going to be all awkward about it, I can just go."

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