Chapter 13

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Sophie's POV

So I was kind of mad with the schedule. I didn't want to be with Jake. Why does everyone try to leave us alone together? Why would they do that? It is awkward. And that was the only reason, as I was no longer mad at him. After the fiasco with Liz we went for some pizza and talked it over.

Anyway, we had already interrupted a burglary, when we found about the robbery from a couple policemen we eavesdropped. We arrived at the bank before they did and I told Jake to wait outside. The usual, movie cliche- if I am not back in a while, tell the others. He tried to protest but I was already inside.

The situation was worse than I had imagined. These guys had ten hostages. How did they do that? It was midnight! Who goes to the bank at midnight ?! These idiots. But isn't the bank supposed to be closed?

The hostages had bombs around them and the robbers had guns. When I got inside, I froze and that was my mistake. Another robber came behind me and put a gun at my head. Dammit.

I remembered some of the hits I had seen online and some I had been taught at kick-boxing classes. I entered his thoughts and I saw he wasn't kidding, but he was new, he was nervous. I elbowed his stomach, ducked and kicked him behind the knee. I took the gun before he fell down and pointed it at his head. I wasn't going to do anything, but he was afraid and that was enough. One down, three to go.

"Let the hostages go!" I tell them.

"Who the hell are you?" and there we go with the cursing...

"Illusion. You will be hearing more about me from now on." I tell him smirking. As he was distracted, I waved my free hand and brought a chair at his head. He fell unconscious. Okay, two more.

"What the--" the third starts, but I wave my hand again and he goes flying across the room. Unfortunately, the last one was smart and I realized too late that he pulled the trigger. I barely dodged, leading to the bullet scratching my arm deeply. Dammit.

It hurt and I kind of lost it. The gun fell of my hand as I grabbed my bleeding arm. Now both of these idiots had guns pointed at me. They laughed, probably because of my hilarious, terrified expression.

If I attacked the one, the other would shoot me and I would be dead.

Time for some small-talk.

"So... what are your names?" I ask them.

"Why would we tell you?" the guy I threatened with the gun asks me.

"Kevin Cole and Sam Smith, got it." I say smirking.

"How did you--" he begins, but I interrupt.

"So, Kevin, do you have a family?" I start. "Oh, a wife and a daughter. Interesting!" the gun falters in his hands. "And Sam! Why would you rob a bank?" I ask him.

"Is this a trick?" he starts.

"Nope! The proof? You dropped out of medical school because of economical problems. You don't want your brother to make the same mistake, right?" he looks shocked, probably because he hadn't told anyone about this. "Now, be two good boys and put the guns down." I command them, but Sam has other plans.

I hear a gunshot and freeze. The bullet never hit me, though. I touched my stomach, nothing. I looked around and saw Jake drop the bullet smirking at me.

"Sorry I'm late." he says.

"Who the hell are you ?" Kevin asks.

"Oh, let me introduce you. Kevin, Sam, this is Road-Runner. Road-Runner, Kevin Cole and Sam Smith." The guns fall off their hands.

"Tonks, untie the hostages, I will take care of these idiots." Charlie says walking in and going towards the robbers.

Jake walked towards me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." but he saw the blood.

"They hit you?! But, I caught the bullet!" he says.

"They shot again before, I am fine, I promise."

"We need to get you patched up." he says and I nod.

"Where's M-, I mean Kronos." I ask.

"Outside, talking with the cops. He is filling them in, but they will ask the rest of us some questions."

"What kind of questions?"

"I thought you were smart. Five people with superpowers appear out of nowhere and stop two bank robberies, a car theft and a break-in in a night."

"Right..." I sigh.

"You've lost blood, let's go get this over with." I nod and we go outside. I must be looking pale.

The policemen asked us some questions. Mike must have filled them in with the basics (how we found out about the robberies, what we were doing, our code names etc) so they only asked me about what happened in the bank. Jake wasn't surprised when he heard about the whole telekinetic thing, as Liz told him when she called him in the morning.

Jake took me home. My mom was still away and hadn't called me back yet. She couldn't care less about me and my dad.

He helped me put a bandage and he didn't leave until after I fell asleep.

Liz went at her house that night. Mike and Charlie took her home.

My mom decided to call at four in the morning. Different time zones, I guess. She woke me up, but, as I have already told you, she couldn't care less.

"I got your message. I will be back in two days, you should start with the planning." she says.

"Jeez, no 'sorry I woke you up', 'hello' or a greeting?" I tell her.

"I am sorry, but I am busy. Start planning and I will be back for the funeral." She repeats.

"Mom, I don't know if you're aware of it, but I have school and studying and I am 15! I don't know how to plan a funeral, so be an actual family member for once and get over here to plan a funeral for your husband!"

"I told you I am busy." she says coldly.

"And I told you I can't. Get here tomorrow first thing and plan the funeral, because your husband just died and I have been alone in this goddamn house for a month!" I shout and hang up. I know she won't be here tomorrow. All she cares about is her job.

Now time for some sleep, because there is school tomorrow.

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