Chapter 16

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Jake's POV

I had never been to the principal's office before and neither had Sophie. I wasn't nervous, but she had turned paler than before. She was shaking and breathing heavily.

I pulled her closer to me and rubbed my thumb at her shoulder to calm her down.

We went inside and the principal told us to sit down. The teacher that lead us there explained the situation, wrongly  and left.

The principal cleared his throat and told us to explain ourselves.

Sophie started saying that she was going to the canteen to get some coffee, when Dylan started calling her a loser. She said that she was still mad about the incident at the science fair, when he had locked us inside and lost her patience, so she punched him in the face. Then he hit her where she was injured and she fell down.

That's when I started talking and said what happened after that, that I pushed him up the wall and punched him in the gut. And about Sophie slapping him.

Darren completely  distorted the facts. He said that both Sophie and I were lying and that Sophie walked up to him and punched him out of nowhere, and then I hit him in the stomach.

The principal believed us, but we still got detention after school. Darren got himself suspended for a week, for both the bullying and the lying.

When we got outside we started walking towards Chemistry class.

"You punched him in the face!?" I asked Sophie. I didn't know about that  detail. Well, I guess that explains the nosebleed.

"Yeah..." she sighed.

"That must have been awesome..." I told her.

"It did  feel so." she laughed.

After class we met up with Liz, Mike and Charlie and told them about what happened. Liz expressed her feeling proud, while Mike and Charlie cheered Sophie for the punch and the slap.

Then the others went home and we went for detention.

We sat near each other and Sophie argued that she was coming on patrol with us tonight.

"I am  coming. I don't care what you're talking about. I am coming." she told me.

"But your arm--" I protested.

"Don't! I don't care. Yeah, it hurts but other than that I am okay. Besides, you've got my back." she smiled. Dammit, she really knows how to talk us into doing what she wants us to do- or smile, whatever.

"Okay, fine! I give up." I raise my hands in surrender.

"Yes!" she cheered. And then she fell asleep on the desk. She warned me to wake her up when detention was over, or she would murder me brutally. I was sure she would murder me anyway for interrupting her sleep, but better safe than sorry.

At least she is quiet when she is sleeping.

After detention we both went at her house to study. I couldn't understand something in math and we were to have a test, so I really  needed her help to maintain my "second best" title in class. You guessed correctly, Sophie is top of all our classes, just in case you didn't know. Impossible  to top her grades.

A few long hours of explaining later, we went downstairs at the living room. She wanted to cook, but she is a disaster in kitchen and she knows it. She wouldn't let me  cook (yeah, I cook) so we ordered some pizza.

While eating, I showed her a TV series (because she needs  to watch it, she will love it) called "The Flash" with superheroes and such. Kind of described us.

Of course  she fell in love with it.

We watched three episodes straight until it was time for us to "suit up".

Sophie had already sewn her jacket, so she just changed her bandage (wrapping it around less) and got dressed.

When we arrived at the hotel (which happened after a long debate on whether I should carry her or not- and I won) (at least this time she didn't puke). I offered to carry her up while running up the wall, but she just glared at me and flied. I guess that comes in with having telekinetic powers.

I stepped at the roof the exact second she was landing and we sat there waiting for the others. Five minutes later, the trapdoor opened and we saw Liz, Charlie and Mike come out.

"So today's teams are the same as the first time. J-- Road-Runner with Illusion and Tonks and Kronos with me. Again." it was weird talking to each other with code-names.

"Got it." Sophie said.

She, kind of, picked me up and flew us both at the opposite rooftop, while complaining that I am heavy.

"Okay, we go downtown and look around for anything suspicious. If we overhear the police, that's even better." she tells me the plan panting. "Oh, and you are not flying with me again." she adds.

"Aye, aye Captain!" I tease her.

"Don't mock me." she replied seriously.


We were currently stopping a burglary at three in the morning. Guess which five teenagers won't be able to keep their eyes open at class in the morning? The loser squad.

It was just one guy, but Sophie got us in trouble again. Let's just say that criminals love  threatening her head with handguns.

There wasn't anyone in the house, probably some 20-year-old was out drinking, by the looks of it.

The criminal signaled her to stand up and she walked up to me. Then she turned around to face him.

I nudged her side so she would look at me and mouthed "Read me".

She seemed to be getting the plan. Moving her fingers slowly she slowly brought a vase towards the burglar's head, who just ranted- classic villain monologue, but this time there wasn't a villain standing across us, but an idiot.

The vase landed on his head and he fell unconscious on the spot.

"I hope it hurts when you wake up!" she shouted at the unconscious man.

Then, when I least expected it, another burglar, probably Mr Idiot's partner, pointed his  weapon at my  head. What is wrong with these guys? Can't they just stay home and watch TV or get a real job? Jesus...

"How many more are there?" Sophie asked. It was rhetorical, but seeing her face darken she must have read Mr Idiot No2.

"Five of you?! Where did you guys hide?" she asks again. "The kitchen? Is it really that  big?

The second burglar lost it a bit.

"So... what's your name?" this girl is going to drive all of them crazy just by asking questions. "Dylan Hop, huh? And why are you pointing that handgun at my friend's head?" she stares at him. "Oh! It's a fake! Wasn't expecting that. Road-Runner? You can stand up. Get over here, knock him out. Whatever." she mutters and talks through the wire.

"Hey, Kronos? Can you come by? Seven burglars at one house, these guys are crazy. We are next to the stadium. Yeah, that one." she says as if talking to herself. "They will be here in a minute, they are close."

And there goes trouble again... A third criminal arrives from the corridor- he was probably at the kitchen with the others and shoots three times at Sophie's direction. Why do these guys always  shoot her ?!

I was seeing everything in slow motion. Sophie stood stunned at her position looking towards the shooter. Well, this  guy had a real  weapon. I didn't have enough time to stop all three bullets or get her out of the way, but I ran towards her anyway. She so  owes me for this one.

I stand in front of her and wait for the bullets to hit.

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