Chapter 3

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Jake's POV

We were meeting at my house. Liz had been acting weird lately, dyeing her hair weird colors and disappearing at random times. That's when trouble struck again. Can the Loser Squad have a normal day? Yes, that's what we called ourselves; the Loser Squad. When Charlie said we should call ourselves something, Sophie suggested it sarcastically but then it stuck. You should see her face when we all said it was cool. Priceless!

There was a knock on the door. I ran to open it and found Sophie standing at the doorstep with Liz. The latter's hair was white today and it was awful on her because of her light colored skin.

"Do you have a painkiller? I feel like my head is going to explode..." Sophie said.

"Yeah, come on." I told her.

"And I need to use the bathroom, so I will be right back." Liz added.

We went at the kitchen. I was getting Sophia some water when she clutched her head.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"No... I--" she staggered. I don't know how, but in a second I was holding her from falling down. Seriously, I had ran and caught her before she fell. I helped her up.

"Sophie, what's wrong?" I asked again helping her up.

"I-- I don't know..." she said.

I took her at the living room and she sat down on the couch. Liz came a minute after.

"What happened to her?" she asked.

"Make it stop!" Sophie started screaming and put her hands on her ears and shutting them.

"Sophie!" I shouted.

"Please make it stop!" she begged and a few seconds later she fainted. Liz was standing shocked staring at her.

That's when the door broke. Well... Not by itself. Let me rephrase: That's when Charlie broke the door. What the hell was wrong with us all?

"The door is broken. I broke the bloody door..." Charlie said shocked.

"What happened?" Mike ignored him.

"I don't know! She had a headache and then this happened!" I told him.

"Call 911!" Liz shouted.

We only spoke again when we arrived at the hospital. Sophia's mother was out of town, again, and couldn't make it.

"Guys... I think it's time we talked about something I have been hiding from you..." Liz joined in.

"Does it have to do with what happened to Sophie?" Mike asked.

"I am not sure, but..." she blinked twice and her hair turned red. "I have been having trouble being me..." she said.

"Whoah..." Charlie said surprised. "And I broke a bloody door. Sorry Jake..." he continued.

"Well, a while ago I literally zoomed from one side of the kitchen to the other." I added.

"What if that accident took its toll on us?" Liz asked.

"I don't know!" I was getting sick of saying that I didn't know.

That's when a nurse came by.

"Funny seeing you back here so shortly after." She said. Her name tag read "Grace Green". Not her... She was a useless excuse of a nurse that showed absolutely no interest to the patients.

"You again?" I said before I could stop myself and Liz elbowed me.

"I am not glad seeing you either Chase." Grace replied.

"It's Jake but that's not the point. Is Sophie alright?"

"Why, yes, she is. It was nothing. She just had a headache and fainted, that's all." She said as if in a trance. That's how she talked all the time. It was creepy.

"I wouldn't say she is alright! She started screaming like crazy!" I told her and Mike grabbed my sleeve.

"Jake, don't. She is hopeless."

"I don't care! If she hates her job why is she doing it in the first place?"

Grace was looking at her watch expectantly.

"Are you done? I was supposed to leave when you kids arrived. I had to postpone my date."

Charlie had to keep me down so I didn't slap her.

"Anything else?" Grace asked.
"Go to hell." I muttered and Liz elbowed me again.

"Can I talk to you, in private?" She asked.

"Uhm... Okay..?" I replied.

We went outside.
"Look, Jake, I know you are worried, but we all are. What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked.

"I don't know, Liz. It's weird. And that nurse is just so annoying." I guess my new catchphrase is 'I don't know'.

"Well, I happen to know. And you know it too." Liz replied.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, even though I knew what she was talking about.

"Oh come on, it is so obvious."

And that's when Mike came out. Saved by the bell!

"She woke up, come on." He said.

"This isn't over, Light." She muttered.

"I bet." I muttered back.

We went back inside and climbed the stairs. In the room, Sophia looked pale.

"Hey..." She said.

"And that dumb nurse said that you just had a headache and fainted... Look at you! You are whiter than a piece of paper!" I told her and we all ran at her side. She furrowed her eyebrows and her eyes were wide-eyed.

"Not again..." She whispered.

"Sophie, what's wrong?" Liz asked.

"I- I don't know... I hear voices... Your voices."

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.

"I hear you talking when you are not! I swear I am not crazy!"

"What do we say?" Mike asked worried.

"That... That I am mad and... That you are worried about my mental health..." She started crying.

"Hey, Sophie, listen to me. Look at me, there you go. I don't think you are crazy. Alright? We all have weird stuff like that going on." I reassured her.

"Okay..." She wiped her tears.

"For example, when you passed out Charlie broke the door with his bare hands. I ran from one side of the kitchen to the other and Liz can do some pretty cool stuff." I told her again, while Liz nodded and gave us a demonstration. Her eyes turned purple, her hair lengthened and turned pink, while herself she grew taller and darker. Then she turned back to normal.

"I am hallucinating..." Sophia clutched her head and lied down.

"Nope. It is the truth. It took us all a while to process it, but it is quite possible that accident gave us superpowers."

"Dammit... I am a disaster..." She muttered and Grace came in.

"Dawn? Free to go." She said. I glared at her and we left Sophia to get ready.

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