Chapter 23

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Sophie's POV

When Charlie arrived at the warehouse, I tried to pull it together and not attack me on the spot.

"What is it S- Illusion?" He asks me.

"His heart stopped. He is alive, but he nearly died." I reply.

"Wha- Why didn't you tell me on the phone?"

"Because I warned you, if anything happens to Jake, you are dead." I say and wave my hand, tossing him on the wall.

"Sophie, I told you! I am sorry, I didn't mean to!" He says as I toss him on another wall.

"And I told you that you did it anyway!" I walk towards him. I am on the verge of tears again. I lift him up by the neck, with my powers, and push him against the wall. He tries to get a hand that doesn't exist away from his breathing system.

"You can't fight something that isn't there." I tell him seriously. His face is red and he is about to lose consciousness when I hear Mike behind me.

"Sophie, let him go!" I turn around and Charlie takes a deep breath.

"Why?" I shout.

"You were going to kill him... Sophie, you are angry, I get it, but that's no reason for you to kill him!"

"And what if Jake dies? What then?"

"It was an accident, dammit! You want to kill him!" Mike replies. "Come on, Sophie... Let's just get back to the hospital." He says and I nod. He does have a point there, but if we are to fight with Charlie again, I will do more than throw him on a couple walls.

I blink and we are back at Jake's. We changed, and when I blinked again we were at the hospital entrance. Mike was panting again.

"Maybe you should just go home... You look exausted." I tell him.

"And risk missing my best friend waking up?" He smiles and we go inside.

Liz was sitting where we left her.

"What happened? Sophie, what did you do?" She says the moment she sees us.

"She nearly killed him." Mike said.

"That was expected..." She replied.

And then came the worst doctor in the whole world. Grace.

"You really can't do without me..." She says with her monotonous voice.

"Skip the formalities and spill. Is he going to be okay?" I tell her.

"Yeah, he woke up. You can go see him. All he has is a broken hand." She replies.

I glance at Liz and Mike, who nod at me and then I go inside.

I sit on my knees next to the bed and hug the idiot in front of me and cry again. Yeah, I am a crybaby.

"Don't you dare do this to me again, Light... You hear me? Ever..." He hugs me back. "I'm sorry..." I continue.

"What could you possibly be sorry for? Besides, I told you. You are not getting rid of me easily." He states. He is such an idiot sometimes.

"I let you fall! Don't you remember? I could have saved you, but I saved the people on the bus first and--"

"Yeah, and you did as I said. Why would I be mad at you?" He asks again.

"You're such an idiot..." I sob.

"Where are the others?" He asks.

"Mike and Liz are outside, I sent Charlie away and when your heart stopped I went after him and nearly killed him, but that's not the point." I rush and he just laughs. "I nearly killed him and you're laughing?" I ask surprised.

"Just, you really regret letting me fall. Looks like you do  care for me."

"Of course I care about you, you idiot! You even stole my popcorn and lived to tell the story!" We laugh and Liz with Mike come in.

They hug him too.

"Glad you're okay, dude..." Mike tells him.

"You are stupid. You know that, right?" Liz adds.

And we all laughed, but Grace had to come in.

"You are free to go, but it is recommended that you stay for the night." She says.

"Okay, you guys go. I will stay here with this idiot." I tell them.

"What?! No! Go home." The idiot says.

"Nope. It is already four in the morning and I am not going back and forth. I will call your grandpa to pick us up in the morning." I tell him. "You go." I tell the others and they nod.

I sit in the chair and he lies back down on his bed.

"Sleep, won't you?" Jake asks.

"I will try." I smile. "Goodnight, you idiot."


It took me a while to fall asleep and I didn't wake up in the morning I woke up at noon.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I tell Jake when I got up.

"Because you had a long night. I called my grandpa half an hour ago, he should be here in a while." He replies.

"Okay..." I yawn.

After Jake got ready we went at the exit to wait for his grandpa. It wasn't long until he arrived.

We got in the car, both of us on the seats behind, and buckled up. The ride back at Jake's house was quiet and awkward, but when we arrived his grandpa hugged him tightly and told him to stay out of trouble. Something like what I did, but kindlier.

Liz and Mike came by later to hang out. We weren't suiting up yet, with Jake's broken hand and Charlie out of the picture, it would be hard for only three of us going on patrol.

We all tried to avoid talking about what happened. The whole thing with Charlie betraying us was hard to believe.

In the meanwhile, Mike and Liz became a couple.

We hadn't heard from Charlie, we only saw him at school and we avoided him, mostly because I would try to kill him again if he got anywhere near us.

Things where back to normal- if you can say we  were normal.

I was still living at Jake's. My mom had probably forgotten about me. She still called once in a while but I never told her where I was and our converstations were always short.

We had forgotten all about "Voldy", as Liz liked to call him, which was one of our biggest mistakes.

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