Chapter 10

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Sophie's POV

Go ahead, call me a whiny brat. Call me a drama-queen, whatever. I am used to it and I don't care. Last night when Jake texted me, I replied as harshly as I could, which was hard considering the fact that I had been crying my eyes out all day, and I am not the kind of person that offends others. Okay, the last part was a lie. But nevermind that.

Just as I was crying on Liz's shoulder, things started flying around. It made me stop crying for a while, and everything fell on the ground, including two glasses full of water. There was some cleaning to do after that...

After Liz fell asleep, which took her forever, I tried to control that new power, that I also hated. Yes, I hate everything, so what?

I focused on a teddy bear and it levitated a few inches above my bed, before falling back down. My hands had turned a glowy blue kind of color. Dammit... I'm not ready to tell the others about that. Why?

I am a freak, that's why. I mean, yeah, the others have powers too, but they don't hear everyone's thoughts in their head. My powers are torture. It took me a while to learn how to keep the whole mind-reading thing under control, now imagine being nervous about a test and having all the desks flying around the class. Kind of a dead giveaway, right?

I wasn't ready to handle another superpower. I could barely control the whole mind reading thing, so starting to telepathically move stuff wasn't exactly on my wishlist.

With all thing that happened I forgot to call my mom last night, so that's what I did first. Liz must have woken up, because she wasn't in my room. I took out my phone from the drawer next to me and called.

As usual, it went to voicemail.
"Ehm... Hey, mom... I don't know how to say this, but yesterday they called from rehab. Dad commited suicide, he is dead, so come back as soon as you can so we can plan the funeral. Bye!" I said and hang up. My mom wasn't the best mother, but I needed her if I was to plan a funeral.

"Liz! Where are you?" I shouted.

"In the kitchen, I am hungry!" She shouted back. I guess Liz had made herself at home.

Actually Liz pretty much lived  at my house, with my mom being away all the time and her mom being drunk. She stayed at my house for most of the time. Not that I had any problem at all, or something. I was glad I had someone to keep me company.

I went at the kitchen.

"So... Did anything strange happen to you too?" I ask her.

"No, but I think I should try turning into animals. That would be cool." She replies and I sigh.

"I don't think we should go out today, I think we should postpone it..."

"If this is about your fight with Jake, I think you should give him a chance. He was only trying to make you feel better, like the rest of us. He just got mad at some point because you didn't want what he wanted when he went through what you do now. I mean, he didn't have any friends when his parents and brother died. All he had was relatives that didn't care half as much as he did. Apart from that, you need to take your mind off your dad." Liz stated.

"What's with the change of heart?" I ask her ignoring the last part.

"Nothing, it's just, I have been up for hours and I thought it through." She replies shrugging.

"Okay..? So, what are you making for breakfast?" I ask her. I definitely didn't believe her.

"Nothing. I don't feeling like eating any of those things you have here. We are going to buy some nutella and bread."

"You realize you will have to take the nutella at your house because my mom doesn't like it, right?"

"That was my ulterior purpose." She smirks and changes into everyday clothes. I glare at her and go to get dressed. I brush my teeth, I get dressed, I pull my hair in a ponytail and put my shoes on.

After around twenty minutes, I go to find her so we can leave.
"Let's go, I'm starving" is all she says and we leave.

We decided neither of us was willing to make breakfast, so we went a cafe and ate there. And that's when she changed the topic to the one I didn't want to talk about. My fight with Jake.

"So... What are you gonna do with Jake?" She asks.

"Lizzie, I don't think it's time to talk about this." I reply.

"First off, don't call me Lizzie. Secondly, when are you going to talk to him? We are suiting up for the first time tonight! You will be distracted, both of you, and--"

"No. I will talk to him when he apologizes." I lie. I knew that it was, partly, my fault too, but I am too stubborn to admit that. Liz didn't need mind reading abilities to see what was up with me.

"You know you are to blame too right? He was only trying to help! He is the only one in the squad that knows what you're going through and you are holding a grudge at him!"

"It's not my  fault he snapped at me!" I am a liar.

"You know it is, and I am sure he has regretted that."

"What made you change your mind?" I ask suspiciously

"Nothing. I just woke up early and thought it through." She is a liar too. I read her mind.

"It's not like I called him. Please, please, please don't read me!" She thought. Guilty.

"You called  him?! What were you thinking? Did you tell him about my new power too?" I whisper the final part and she looks down. "Liz! Why would you do that?" I ask her again.

"I am worried about you! And it is obvious you like him. I mean, really, who is so mean at one particular person all the time but at hard times shows up at their doorstep crying? You. And you have a crush." Dammit.

"Well, don't get me started on you. I can look at you and know your crush in a second."

"Shush! Don't you dare  Dawn." Gotcha.

"Too late." I smirk.

"Let's go." She stands up.


"Don't get your hopes up, I am heading out. You  try to find a way to make it up to Jake." she says.

"Dammit, I really hate you sometimes..."

"Shut up, you love me." she says and we head out. I left the bill on the table and we left.

A/N: Okay, so who do you think Liz likes? Who do you ship her with? Tell me in the comments! And Jake figured something out a few chapters back...

-Choco <3

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