Chapter 20

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Sophie's POV (again)

It had been a week since Jake took me in and I was feeling at home more than ever.

I am currently watching "The Addams Family", one of my favorites, while eating from a huge bowl of popcorn on a Saturday evening.

At least I was, until Jake went all Mission Impossible on it. 

I was wearing my baggy pajamas this time. A t-shirt too big for me and leggings along with my slippers. Thank goodness, because I can run in these.

To be honest, we had grown closer than before. Living together made things a whole lot more different. We learned more about each other and we argue less now. I think.

As I was saying, I was sitting on the couch watching "The Addams Family" when he tried to steal my bowl of popcorn. He thought I wouldn't notice. So ignorant...

Well, I did  notice, but when I did it was too late.

He ran up in front of me, grabbed my popcorn and threw a pillow in my face. Okay, I didn't notice. He has super speed. Not my fault.

"Hey! Give me my popcorn back and no one gets hurt!" I shout.

"Come and get it, Dawn!" I hear him from upstairs. I press pause and stand up.

On second thought, I am taking the pillow with me.

I run up the stairs to the corridor.

"Where are you?" I shout.

"I thought you could do better than that." I hear him from the guest room that was now, kind of, my room.

"You are so dead..." I mutter and go inside.

And there he is, his highness, sitting on my bed and eating my popcorn.

"Yep, you're dead." I mutter and throw the pillow at his head.

"What was that for?" he asks innocently.

"For taking my popcorn and eating it!" I walk towards him, glare him, grab the bowl and run away.

"Oh, come on!"

"Nope! Stay away from my popcorn!" I say running down the stairs.

But running around with a huge bowl of popcorn, is like pleading it to fall. As he was chasing me around the kitchen, I slipped (I guess that's why they call them slippers) and fell down, with the bowl landing on my face.

Jake was laughing so hard he wasn't even mad I wasted the popcorn on my face.

"Dammit." I say pushing the bowl away. "A little help here? I am bathing in popcorn!" I tell him and he comes to help me up, or so I thought.

The moment he pulls me up, he starts tickling my sides. I burst out laughing so hard, I nearly fell down again.

"For the popcorn!" So much for not holding it back on me...

And then I slipped out of his grasp and ran to the living room. At least he was playing fair, not running as fast as he actually can.

As I was walking backwards by the couch, I stumbled and grabbed on the first thing I found so I couldn't fall. Unfortunately, that something was Jake, who fell on top of me on the couch.

My glasses were twisted on my face and we were both redder than tomatoes. I looked into his eyes and he into mine and we stayed there staring. I think he was leaning in, when Liz, Mike and Charlie opened the front door and walked in.

We both stood there frozen and wide-eyed.

"Where are they?" Mike asked.

Then a shadow appeared above us and we saw Charlie.

"Found them!" he said. Dammit.

I pushed Jake off of me and he fell on the floor on his back grunting. I straightened my glasses.

"It's not what you think--" I start.

"The popcorn--" Jake interrupts from the floor.

"--stole it--"

"She slipped--"

"--popcorn on my face--"


"I stumbled and--"

"--fell on her!" Jake ends and they burst out laughing.

"I didn't understand a thing, but that was hilarious." Liz says trying to stop. I don't know about Jake, but I got even redder.

"How did you get in anyways?" he asks standing up.

"The door was unlocked." Mike replies.

"Don't you knock?" I ask.

"I thought we didn't interrupt anything." Liz smirks making me blush more. I don't know how red a person can turn, but I think I am going to break the record.

"So, why are you here?" Jake asks.

"Ooh, rude much?" Mike comments.

"We came to take you out for ice cream, but it looks like you are busy..." Charlie smirks too.

"Guys! Stop it! I just stumbled ! No big deal!" I tell them and they laugh again.

"Anyway, are you coming for ice-cream?" Liz asks.

"Yeah, wait until we get ready." Jake answers for both of us. Everyone  knows I can't say "no" to ice-cream.

I go upstairs with Jake following me. We glance at each other, blush and we go to our rooms.

I chose to wear a knee-length, black dress, black leggings, black combat boots and a long, grey jacket. I don't want to be wearing all-black, but I will for another month at least.

We all arrived at the ice-cream parlor ten minutes later. We got a table and ordered. I went for chocolate, Liz for banana, Mike rocky-road, Jake vanilla and Charlie cookies.

After eating our ice-creams, we returned at Jake's. We all took a nap for an hour or so,  with me and Liz on one couch, Mike and Charlie on the other and Jake on the armchair.

And after we woke up the others left. None of us wanted to talk about the whole "who's the traitor" thing, because we found it hard to believe that one of us would sell us out, especially after Liz's dream.

The day after she had it, she told us all about it.

After Charlie, Liz and Mike left, I went upstairs to study a bit. When I went downstairs, Jake's grandpa was already there.

We were meeting on the hotel rooftop at midnight, again. Now the teams were the same every time, Jake and I and Mike with Charlie and Liz.

But the moment I stepped on the roof, I knew things were going to go south.

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