Chapter 25

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Liz's POV

When Sophie called me and told me what had happened, she started grumbling about Jake making her walk.

Oh well...

I rushed at Jake's house (which was practically Sophie's too, it was as if she had moved in) to find a cracked wall and Sophie sleeping on the couch with a bandage on her head and another one around her ankle.

I went at the kitchen looking for Jake and found him sitting on a chair looking at the ceiling.

"What happened?" I ask.

"How did you get in?!" As if he doesn't know.

"Unlocked. Your turn."

"Charlie came, as far as I understood he attacked Sophie, she brought a table on his head to run upstairs and jump from the window, he twisted her ankle, threw her on a wall and then she sent him flying on the front yard. And all that while I was at the grocery store to get some popcorn."

"Yeah, I know that. She told me. I am talking about your look."

"What look?"

"That dreamy one, on your face. You kissed, didn't you?"

"How did you-..? Are you sure you can't read thoughts too?"

"Yep, pretty sure. And it's obvious, really. Especially to a professional shipper like me." I smirk. "So how come she's sleeping?"

"She was laughing when I came home. She said something about hyper mode, whined about having to get up from the couch, called you and fell asleep."

"Damn... She must have been exhausted."

"Nah, not really. She only fought back in the end. We called an ambulance- which came surprisingly quickly. I guess they were near. Charlie will be okay."

"Not that I cared, really." I lie.

"Of course you didn't. I am just filling you in." Sarcasm is in the air. Damn you Light. "Hopefully, though, Sophie might be a little more serious when she wakes up and explains better what happened, because she was rambling and going off topic all the time."

"Okay..." I sit down.

"Where's Mike?" He asks.

"At home, his dad is back for a couple of days and he wants to spend some time with him."

He stood up.

"Do you want to eat anything?" He said filling two glasses of water.

"Nope. I am not hungry." I tell him and Sophie walks in limping and clutching her forehead."

"You didn't sleep for long." Jake says before she has time to ask.

"We really need to fix the wall, the table and my door." She mutters.

"You broke a door?!" I ask her surprised.

"No. Charlie did. I locked to jump of the window and he broke my leg."

"He just twisted you ankle, relax!" Jake tells her.

"Fine." she mutters and my phone rings.

"What the hell? It's Charlie!" I tell them.

"Pick up, I would love to tell him a word or two." Sophie says. I glance at Jake and he nods.

"You are on speaker" I tell Charlie after picking up.

"Good. Is everyone there?" He asks.

"Mike isn't here. What do you want?" Jake asks.

"Not me. The big boss wants a meeting at the warehouse Sophie beat me up. Oh, the irony..." He mutters the last sentence.

"Why the hell would we come?" Sophie asks.

"If you want your mother, which I doubt, you will come. If that doesn't work we have Jake's grandpa, Mike's big brothers and Liz's mom here." What the hell?

"Let them go you..." I said some very colorful words. The pig laughed.

"Not that easy. The warehouse, midnight." He says and hangs up.

"I'm calling Mike." I say and both Sophie and Jake nod. I am no longer in the mood to tease them.

I walk at the living room and call.

"Hey! What's up?" He asks.

"Bad news. Charlie attacked Sophie, she is fine, don't worry. And he kidnapped my mom, Jake's grandpa, your brothers and my mother. His boss wants a meeting." I tell him and he replies with some colorful words as well.

"When and where?" He asks.

"The warehouse at midnight."

"I will meet you there." He says and hangs up.

The hours passed quickly. We made no plan.

I might have been arguing a lot with my mom because of what she did to my dad, but she is still my mother and I know that Sophie felt the same way about her mom, even if she didn't know.

We suit up and met with Mike out of the warehouse.

We went inside, but there was no one there.

Voldy arrived a good ten minutes later with our family members and Charlie. We couldn't see his face because of the lighting, but I was sure he wasn't wearing a mask.

"You're late." Sophie tells him. She seems more confident than anyone.

"They aren't exactly obedient. Especially yo--" he starts.

"Don't!" Sophie interrupted him.

"What's the fun in this?"

"You seem a little too old to be messing with four teenagers." I tell him.

"Yeah, get to the point." Jake adds.

"I want your powers. All of them."

"And how the hell are you going to get them?" Mike asks. He is really pissed off.

"I have my ways. Use your powers against me and they are dead." He says, but the next second our family members are gone. At least Mike knows how to work things out.

"Should have expected that." He says. "I already know who you are, why keep the masks?" He asks.

"What's a superhero without a mask?" Jake tells him, but the others take their masks and wigs off anyway.

"And what makes you a superhero?" Voldy asks.

"The fact that we save people." Mike replies.

"Yeah, we don't threaten lives!" Sophie glares at Charlie.

"And who the hell are you anyway?" I ask Voldy.

I wish I hadn't, because Voldy stepped closer and I saw his face.

Voldy is my dad.

This is some serious Star Wars stuff going on here.

A/N: Another short chapter... There is one more and the Epilogue left. Anyway... This chapter is short because I needed the cliffhanger. For some reason stuff like that cheer me up. Please don't kill me!

-Choco <3

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