Chapter 5

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Liz's POV

So now we all had superpowers. There was no doubt this happened because of the accident- if  it was an accident. Sophie thinks that her invention was sabotaged when we went to the bathroom (so she could vomit- I am gross, I know). Truth is, I feared that and it is highly likely the others also did so too.

I still hadn't confronted Jake after Sophie's getting into the hospital, which was a bummer, because it would make him very uncomfortable and it would be hilarious. Yeah, I am mean. So what? Sue me. If you still hadn't figured out what was on with Jake, well, you will find out soon.

I caught him off guard. The idiot thought he would get away with it. We were at Sophia's again and she went to the bathroom, so I got the chance to make him spill the beans.

"So... Jake... Remember our little talk at the hospital a couple weeks back?" I asked slyly. The funny thing is he caught up immediately and started shifting uncomfortably.

"Not now." He said.

"Oh, come on! Tell me, or I will tell you. And hurry up because she will come back any minute now." I replied.

"Tell you what? There is nothing to tell."

"Stop playing dumb. You like her." I said seriously.

"Is it that  obvious?"

"Oh, stop it with the cliches. It is to everyone but her. Okay... nowam cliche..." I said mumbling the last part.

"Well, don't get me started on you." Okay, now he  caught me of guard and it was my  turn to play dumb.

"Why? What did I do?" I said. I must have been very nervous, because the idiot laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Your hair changed color, so you know exactly what I am talking about." Dammit.

And Sophie came in. Saved by the bell! I will take care of that idiot later. I shot Jake a warning glance and he smirked, but when I raised my eyebrow he looked down.

"What is wrong with you two?" She said seriously.

"Nothing." I lied and tried not to think about the past two minutes. I guess so did Jake, because he stared at the ceiling.

"Okay..?" she said clearly  not convinced.

"I need to go, my mom has to go to work and I don't know if she's up." I said and got up.

"Alright! We will tell the others." Sophie said.

As I closed the door, I smirked at Jake who gave me a you-are-so-dead look. Isn't it fun being evil? Not always.

I went towards my home. I wasn't lying when I said I had to wake my mom. When I arrived she was already up, surprisingly.

"Hey, mom!" I said somewhat awkwardly.

"Oh, hello dear. I need to go to work now, see you later." She said and left.

"Okay..?" I muttered. That was really weird. My mom looked sober and it scared me. She hadn't been ever since dad went to jail.

I shrugged it off. As soon as I entered my bedroom and saw my bed, I realised how tired I was. I hadn't slept in two days, so when my face touched the pillow, I immediately fell into deep sleep.

The dream was weird. It seemed so real it would have been a memory, which is exactly what it was. I was back at the science fair day, just before the explosion. A voice. It was as if  someone had corrupted the memory, because that voice wasn't human, so I couldn't match it to a person.

I was sure we knew whoever was there with us, because we were surprised that person had been there in the first place.

They spoke and we turned, but as soon as that happened, I woke up.

I jumped out of bed. It was night already. I looked at the clock. 9:30. I tried to remember the dream.

It wasn't exactly a dream. More like a memory. That person was definitely there, but the explosion must have caused me to not remember their face. And that was important, because that guy was most likely the saboteur. I would really love to recreate that face of theirs; believe me.

I am not going to lie, I was worried and kind of annoyed. I mean, we have superpowers and all we did was meet and complain. We should train and do something. If that dude, madame, whatever, was in the room when it exploded, which he was, they had superpowers too and we couldn't be sure whether he or she would use these powers for good or bad.

I decided to call Sophie. It wasn't late night but the others would be at their homes by now. Right? Wrong.

As I explained she became more and more silent. When I finished she said I should go by at her house to tell the others too, so I went. Yeah, just like that.

I went by. Leaving her all alone with 3 boys was not good. It had happened before, but we forgot every time.

The boys in our squad were noisy if there wasn't someone to force them to be quiet, so there was either panic because they were in a good mood, or in absolute silence because Sophie was in a bad mood.

As you can understand, until my phone call there was panic and after that the latter. I just know how to suck the life out of a party, don't I?

Explaining my memory in front of them was worse than talking about it on the phone. Here I could see their grim expressions and their anxiousness. I could see their fear and their worries. I could feel all the negative energy coming from them.

Awful, believe me.

By the time I was finished Sophie looked even more terrified than before.

"Guys, I think it's time we trained a little. And we are going to need suits." she said.

"What kind of suits?" Jake asked.

"You are dumber than you seem. 'Super' suits. That person that was in the room must be the saboteur, so if we appear, he will appear too. Then we will be able to know his real plans." Sophia continued.

"We just had to get superpowers, didn't we?" Mike muttered.

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