Chapter 17

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Mike's POV

I heard the gunshots and stopped time, well, just in time. The first bullet was only an inch away from Jake's chest, who was standing protectively in front of a terrified Sophie.

If Liz "squeed" for just a hug, I can't imagine what she would do if she saw this. This was pure gold, it was a shame I didn't have my phone to take a photo and show it at Liz later.

I approached to bullets and pulled them away from their targets. I took them out of the window and made them face the sky. When things un-paused, Jake looked confused he hadn't been hit, though grateful when he spotted me and Sophie just blushed.

"You were going to get shot for me you stupid..." But she had tears in her eyes out of emotion, so she just hugged him instead.

That's when Liz came in and nearly fainted. The burglars where frozen because of the weird course of events, so Charlie took care of them, taking them outside to the policemen that had heard the gunshots.

"You moron, don't you dare do anything like this again..." We heard Sophie complaining to Jake, who looked like he couldn't breathe in the hug.

"S-- Illusion, I think you should let him go before he dies of asphyxiation." Charlie comments as he takes the last criminal outside.

"Shut it..." She mutters but lets go. She wipes her tears and goes outside with Jake following her. I guess they've had enough being in this house.

"They are all out, come on." Liz tells me.

When we got outside, Sophie hugged me too, but not nearly as hard as she hugged Jake.
"Thank you..." She whispered.

"It was nothing. You two are two of my best friends." I tell her. She let go and nodded.

After that I think I heard her ranting at Jake on how he shouldn't start relating to Pietro from Age of Ultron and that she would never let him watch any superhero movies again.

We gave our code names to the police, again, answered some questions and went home. We were staying at Sophie's again, so we all left together.

Now imagine five teenagers with masks and weird wigs walking inside a house from the front door at 4.30 in the morning. We were all exausted.

With Liz and Charlie, we stopped another burglary, a car theft and  a bank robbery. How come we didn't have any trouble yet, I don't know, but I shouldn't jinx it.

Sophie went at her room to get her pajamas and get dressed and I went at the bathroom. Liz took her stuff and went at the guest room while Charlie went to eat something at the kitchen so Jake could change in the living room.

Ten minutes later we were eating a small bag of chips each and going to sleep. The girls took the couches again, but I wasn't complaining; Sophia had brought many blankets to put under us. Liz had rearranged the positions by taking Jake's sleeping bag under Sophie's couch instead of hers. That girl is sly...

As soon as my head touched the pillow, I was fast asleep.

Being a superhero is exausting.

In the morning we all groaned at the sound of the alarm, and made a silent agreement to not go to school for the day by shutting it and going back to sleep.

What can I say? We needed the day off.

I woke up at noon and I was the third to do so.

Charlie was nowhere to be seen, so he must have been either at the bathroom or the kitchen.

Liz was sitting at her couch admiring what she had done; Sophie was on her stomach, her hand off the couch touching with Jake's. Liz will do anything to "get her ship to sail". I don't really get what that means. Must be fangirl code.

She look as if she was going to explode of happiness. When she saw me, she pointed at her phone that was at the table next to me and I tossed it at her.

And then she took a picture of them. That girl is crazy... There is no hope for her...

I am 150% sure she made it her wallpaper.

She got up clumsily and we went to the kitchen to find Charlie making pancakes.

"You know it's 2:00 pm, right?" I ask sleepily.

"So what? It is never late for pancakes." Liz replies for him.

"Okay, I guess... You are lucky I am starving..."

And then we heard a "gap", a grunt and a muffled scream from the living room.

Liz went to check out what happened and we heard the loudest, most inhuman sound ever.

She came red and jumping up and down.

"What the hell happened?" Charlie asked.

"She fell  on him!!!" She started jumping up and down again.

"I think you are losing it." Charlie said.

And then a tomato red Jake and an even redder Sophie came in the room. They were both rubbing their foreheads.

"Liz, how can I say it? You are a little dead!" Sophie muttered.

"Only a little?" Jake asked.

"Whoah! You two agree on something! That's a first!" I say.

"Shut it, Sharp..." Sophie mumbles.

"What's for breakfast?" Jake asks.

"It's noon." Charlie replies cheerfully.

"Again, what's for breakfast?" Sophie asks.

"Pancakes." Liz answers.

"Charlie, have I ever told you how great of a human being you are?" She says rubbing her eyes.

Sophie took out the toppings- sugar, honey, nutella and cinnamon. She took two pancakes and covered the one in sugar and the other in nutella. There was so much on both, that the pancakes weren't visible.

Jake drowned his own two in honey and covered them in cinnamon.

These people are crazy.

I just sprinkled some sugar in top of one and put a little nutella on the side of my plate.

Liz opened the cupboard and took out the salt- another crazy person.

Charlie only took one, so a couple pancakes remained. He ate it as it was. I am surrounded by mad people.

After finishing off with the pancakes, Sophie got up to get some coffee- if you call that coffee.

She put a spoonful of coffee inside her glass, a ton of sugar, milk and some water.

"I have asked you before and I will ask you again- you call that a coffee? How do you even drink it?!" I asked her.

"First off, I love sugar. Secondly, it is the only way to wake me up. Thirdly, I hate sour stuff. Four, do not question me yet, I just woke up." She said putting some ice in that thing I refuse to call "coffee".

After that we sat quietly. This is going to be a long day.

A/N: Time to bring in the drama and the heartbreak! Mwahahahahaha!!! *choke*

I am okay.

I don't think I will be for long, though. When that one chapter comes, you will all kill me.

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