Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Amber, Louis came to talk to me while you where rehearsing." Courtney says from her chair in the corner. I turn to her, fiddling with my fingers.

"Yeah?" I question.

"He wants to go out on a date with you." She smiles, crossing her arms over her chest.

"And why couldn't he come tell me when I finished rehearsals?" I smile, tracing the pattern of the shirts print on my arm.

"He wanted you to meet him at his dressing room at five-thirty. Said everyone was allowed some free time to do whatever until eight." I turn to the clock hanging on the wall as she talks. 5:19. I turn back to her, smiling.

"Come on, we need to go talk to Bree and get you a dress to wear." She says giddy, jumping up and grabbing my arm. She hauls me down to the wardrobe room, where we find Bree asleep on the floor.

"Bree! Bree!" Courtney laughs, leaning over her.

"What?!" Bree gasps, sitting up straight.

"Amber's got a date."

Courtney and Bree help me quickly pick out a dress; a simple pink chiffon with a denim jacket over top. I put my boots on from before, and Courtney re hairsprays my hair. By the time I'm ready, it's five-forty.

"I'm always late when asks me to be somewhere." I laugh to Courtney and Bree.

"Well go, girl, go! Move!"Courtney laughs, giving me a shove towards the door.

"Thanks so much guys! See you when I get back!" I yell, running out the dressing room door. I quickly make my way over to the hallway where the boy's dressing rooms are, dodging people as I go. When I reach his door I'm huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. I take a minute to pull myself together before knocking on the door. I hear him shuffle around inside before coming to the door.

"Amber! Starting to think Courtney never told you." He smiles, opening the door. I smile back up at him. He stands wearing grey jeans and another The Killers shirt.

"Well, I was running a bit behind." I laugh, looking down at myself.

"Well, you look amazing." He says, and I look back up at him. "Come on, we better get going." He smiles, taking my arm. He tells me about him and the guy's rehearsal, making me throw my head back laughing. Charlie stops us at the door.

"Let me lead you out. Can't trust any of those girls." He sighs, opening the door. We follow him out into the ocean of girls, as the sun begins to set over the theatre. Charlie leads us out to a little red Jaguar.

"This is Courtney's car, she said you guys can borrow it for the night. Now, be free kids." Charlie says, throwing the keys to Louis.

"Thanks Charlie!" I yell over my shoulder as he walks away.

"Come on, this is the first we'll be alone in a couple days." Louis laughs, helping me into the car. He runs around to the other side of the car after closing my door. The girls around us scream and scream and scream, and I can't help but smile. They snap pictures of us and I know I'll see them everywhere on Twitter tonight. Louis climbs in, and starts up the car. We carefully pull out of the theatre's parking lot and onto the road. He continues telling me about all the fun times he's had with his four best friends, and I can't help but smile giddily as he continues. He talks the whole way to the little restaurant and that's perfectly okay. A few girls run over to the car as we step out, bombarding us with questions. We sign a few things and take pictures before heading into the restaurant. It's a cute little Italian restaurant, with ild Italian pictures hanging everywhere on the wall. We're set at a small little table in the corner of the restaurant, getting a couple stares from some people as we walk by.

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