Chapter One

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"Come on Amber! Three minutes to stage time!" Luke calls out to me as I look myself over in the mirror one more time. Black jacket, blue crop-top, white shorts, red Nike hightops. I'm ready. I make my way out of the dressing room, grabbing my earpiece and microphone off the table. I walk up next to Marlene, who stands behind the stage curtain.

"I can't believe we're preforming on the Grammy's!" She squeals in my ear. I smile up at her. She's wearing her favourite outfit, pink shorts topped with a lime-green ruffled tank-top and her silver sandals. Cali comes to stand next to us, wearing a simple blue flower skirt with a matching blue bandeau and white cardigan. She smiles brightly and gives the two of us a big thumbs up.

Soon enough the stage announcers are announcing our groups name, Zero Gravity. Our band starts to play our 'theme song' and the three of us girls prepare to go on stage. Marlene runs out first waving her hands over her head as she goes. The crowd claps and cheers. A few whistles. After Marlene is in her spot on stage, Cali skips out, her brunette hair bouncing behind her. More claps and cheers erupt, even more whistles. Cali's in her spot, so its my turn to run out. I hop out from behind the curtain and I'm met by a crowd of people, nearly all famous, and prettier and richer than me. Once I'm in my place on stage, I look over at Luke, our bassist. He nods, and the song starts. It's a cover, originally made by a guy Cali found on YouTube. A mash-up of Dynamite and What Makes You Beautiful. The crowd loves it. With Cali and Marlene on WMYB and me on Dynamite, we sound perfect. We all dance around the stage, making faces at each other and pointing fingers just having a fun time. When the song's over, we're all laughing and out of breath, leaning on each other for support. I look out into the crowd of famous people. I name all the people I recognise. Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, Adele, Adam Levine, and... Who's that? One Direction? Hell yeah I'd recognise them anywhere. They're all laughing and clapping. They seem to think we did good on their song. We give one last wave to the crowd before heading backstage to get into our show dresses again. Neil Patrick Harris and Emma Stone are called up on stage to give the next award. And after they give out that award, Marlene and I are handing out the 'Best Artist' award. This is definitely one of the best nights of my life.

I meet Marlene behind the curtains again. She's in her tight black show dress with her black high heels and pinned up hair. My dress is white, falling just above my knees. It's laced up in the back, exposing my shoulder blades. Marlene has the gold card in her hands, ready to go back out on stage. They call us up, and we casually strut out to the centre of the stage. We both stand at the podium.

"Well, is anyone having a good night? " Marlene smiles to the crowd. Lots of cheers and claps erupt from them.

"Well as you might know, this is Marlene and I's first time handing out any award, and I have to say I like having that camera pointed at me." I laugh, winking to the camera in front of the two of us. The crowd laughs and I feel accomplished.

"So who's ready to find out who the best artist is, huh?!" Marlene and I say together. We hold our hands out to our sides, leaning forwards. The crowd erupts again and the announcers start naming off the people nominated.


Katy Perry

One Direction

Maroon 5

Justin Bieber

"Okay. Here. We. Go." Marlene says slowly. She holds onto one half of the card, and I hold onto another.

"And the winner is..." I say, and we both pull on our half of the card. It pops open, and we both yell out the answer.

"One Direction!" The five boys jump up, and they form their giant group hug. Cheers and claps come from every direction. They make their way up to the stage, Liam leading the way. I hand him the award, and he pulls me into a hug. All the guys laugh and give us hugs and tell us how good we did preforming. Louis' the last to come give me a hug. Niall's already talking into the microphone, saying the 'thank you's.

He pulls me into a hug, and behind us I hear Zayn tell the crowd how amazed they were that the three of us girls could preform that well. Louis' still embracing me in a hug as Liam takes the mic. He lets go and I'm about to walk over to Marlene but he says my name. I turn back to him, not wanting to make a scene. He tells me I have an amazing voice and that I'm very beautiful. I blush and thank him. He hands me something written on a crumpled up piece of paper and asks me to read it after the show. He gives me one last smile before walking over to the rest of the guys. I stand there looking at the paper. When I look up, half the room is looking at me. I slowly turn and walk towards Marlene.

"What was that all about?!" She hisses in my ear.

"He told me I was beautiful and gave me this." I say, showing her the paper folded in my hand. She gasps and grabs my arm.

"Amber! You know what this means!" She giggles, bouncing on her heels.

"Marlene calm down..." I say, hushing her. I look over my shoulder and the guys are heading off the stage. Louis looks over at me and mouths the words "Don't forget the paper" before following the rest of the guys. Marlene squeals, obviously seeing what I just saw.

A Different Way[Louis Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now