Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"So, darling, how'd the concert go?" Louis smiles, wrapping his arms around me from behind. He sways back and forth, his head next to mine. He playfully hums as he twirls us around the room, my hands clasping his. I laugh, leaning my head against his, as he pulls me down on top of him and onto the bed. We lay silent, breathing in and out, his chest rising and falling against my head.

"Do you love me Amber?" He whispers. I turn my head, looking up at his face. His eyes are closed, and his mouth is turned into a frown.

"Of course I..."

"Not me, not 'Louis Tomlinson'. Do you love me." He interrupts me. I don't answer him, I just stare at his frowning lips. His hands begin to untangle from mine, and he slides out from underneath me.

"I guess I don't understand the question..."I say, sitting up as he walks away. He stops by the little table, where I threw my bag and coat when we returned to the hotel. He hesitantly grabs my coat, clutching it to his chest for the slightest second before throwing it to me.

"Come on." He huffs, walking out to the kitchen grabbing his own coat.

"But..." He doesn't listen, he just keeps walking to the door. I scramble after him, shrugging my coat over my shoulders. He's out the door, and I let out a aggravated groan. I pull my coat on all the way, grabbing my phone and a room key before running out after him.

I run through the hallways, ducking my head when I'm near other people. I take the stairs two at a time down, knowing the elevator will be crowded. Pushing the stair door open, I can see him walking out the lobby doors, and out into the streets. I chase after him, dodging people as I go. The brisk wind hits me as I run through the doors, searching for him. There are a few girls standing in groups here and there, but they haven't noticed me. I pace back and forth in front of the hotel, pulling myself together before swiftly walking down the pavement after him.

The sun is entirely down by the time I loose sight of him. I stand beneath a streetlight, digging for my phone. In the frenzy to find him, I never noticed my phone going off. I have three missed calls. Two from Marlene, and one from Harry. I groan, leaning back against the streetlight, and dial Marlene's number,

"Amber! What happened to you?! You guys weren't in your room when we went looking for you... Amber you can't just take off from us like that..." Marlene whines into the phone.

"Good luck telling Louis that. I have no idea where he is... He just walked out of the building and I followed him." I look around the streets again, but no one is walking.

"You mean... Out in the city..."

"Yes... I'm lost in Berlin, with no idea where Louis is either." I sigh, fiddling with the hem of my dress.

"Oh Amber... why didn't you call us sooner! We could have helped..."

"Listen, Marlene, are you going to help now or not?"

"Hang on... Harry says he needs to talk to you..." Some one walks by in front of me, and I duck my head.

"Amber? Are you okay?" Harry's deep voice rings through the phone, and I can hear the worry in his voice.

"Yeah... I guess, but I'm kinda lost... And I have no idea where Louis is." I sigh.

"Hang on, I'm coming to find you."

I stay on the phone with Harry as I hear him telling everyone in the room where I am.

"Paul's going to drive around and see if he can find him, and he wants me and you to stay on the streets. Now, tell me where you are."

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