Chapter Eleven

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[This chapter is a little shorter, but there'll be more soon! Hope you're enjoying the story, and thanks for reading! -Danielle]

Louis takes me to his flat, on the outskirts of London. We laugh and talk all the way over. Too bad you can't kiss and drive at the same time. It's midnight by the time we get inside. His place is huge, I stand there gaping at it. He has a spiral staircase going upstairs and each wall has a different quote on it. In the hallway to the main floor bedroom is the quote Not All Who Wander Are Lost. I stand there smiling at it.

"This is one of my favourites." He says, pulling me into the bedroom. Over the bed, in fancy cursive handwriting, it says,

"Even if our families change, even if the world changes, even if I change, even if you change, the stars will always be there." I smile, remembering saying the quote somewhere in an interview.

"That's actually not my quote." I say.

"It's not?" He gives me a sad look.

"No, my friend told it too me when I was younger. It's her's." I laugh. Underneath the quote, in smaller letters it say Amber Loktae.

"You mind if I write on your wall?" I ask pulling out a sharpie marker.

"Go ahead and change it. She deserves the recognition for such an amazing quote." He says. I walk forward and climb across the bed. I reach the wall and look over at him once more to see if it's okay. He just nods again. I cross off my name, and neatly print out 'Hannah Rivet' underneath. I lean back, sitting with my legs pulled underneath me, staring up at the giant letters arranged on a wall to form words filled with so much meaning. Louis comes to sit next to me on the bed.

"The other guys don't understand that one." He says staring at the quote.

"I think you have to have a personal connection to it to understand it." I say, cocking my head to the side looking at him. A smile crosses his face and he looks over at me.

"So what are we gonna do?" I ask him.

"It's past midnight, what ARE we gonna do." He laughs.

"How about we sleep I'm tired."I say looking around the room. All I've got to wear is my part dress.

"No, come on, I have a better idea."

He pulls me up off the bed and drags me down the hall. He grabs his keys and we're out the door.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he pushes me into the car.

"We're going to Harry's." He say's with a laugh.

He drives so fast over to Harry's flat I feel the need to hold onto the seat. We pull up the drive, and I can see lights on in all of the windows, and the sound of loud music bounces through the night air.

"What's going on here?" I look over at Louis. He just smiles and climbs out of the car. I follow him up the door and we barge right in, not even knocking. The music is loud enough to shake the house a little. In walks Marlene, who is obviously drunk.

"Heyyy Amb-err." She slurs, stumbling over to me.

"Hey Marlene, where's Harry?" Louis asks.

"Oh well hey there cowboy. Harry's in the back with the drinks. Cali's in the bathroom, I think she met a guy..."

"Yeah thanks, Marlene." I interrupter her as we walk away. Louis leads me to the back, and sure enough, theres Harry handing out beers to people.

"Hey Lou! Amberrr you look nice." Harry says, slurring his r's. Harry fills up a cup for me and Louis, shakily handing them to us. I look over at Louis, who just shrugs and throws his cup back, taking in a big swig. I do the same, the alcohol burning my throat. The first glass goes by fast. And so does the fourth. And the fifth. By then Louis and I are having a contest to see who can down their cup the fastest. By my sixth cup, I can't take anymore. I run to the bathroom. Throwing open the door, I find Cali and some dude making-out.

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