Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I fall asleep in my dress, with my arms wrapped around Louis. My head tucked under his chin, my forehead pressed against his chest. I wake up at nine, Louis' arm squeezed around me tight as he dreams. I let out a little laugh, and try to pull away from him. I manage to pry his arms away from me, and shuffle out of the bed. I grab the cold mug of tea off the nightstand and walk into the kitchen area. I dump out the mug and set it on the counter. I walk out back past Louis still asleep on the bed, and over to my suitcases, gathering up clothes. I go into the bathroom, and turn on the water in the shower.

Louis' still asleep when I walk out of the bathroom. He's sprawled out across the bed, his face buried in the pillow. I smile, throwing my dress in a bag and grabbing my make-up bag and hair things. I quickly blow-dry my hair and straighten it, putting mascara and eyeliner on my eyes. I step back from the mirror, taking in my appearance. I sigh, running a hand through my hair. Good enough. Besides, Courtney will just fix it tonight. I turn everything off and put my stuff back into my bags. I quietly sit down next to Louis, brushing his crazy hair away from his forehead. I smile as his eyes flutter open.

"Good morning." I laugh as he rolls over, away from me.

"It's to early." He groans. I crawl closer to him laughing.

"It's ten thirty. I think it's time for you to get up." I say, raising my eyebrows at him.

"No, I don't think so." He smugly smiles, burying his head farther in the covers. I laugh again, rolling off the bed and walking away.

"Although... It would be nicer if you were under these covers with me." I hear him say as I walk out into the hallway. I shake my head, walking down to Marlene's room. I knock on the door, and I hear her shuffling around inside. I duck my head as I hear a group of girls coming around the corner towards me. Marlene opens the door, smiling, her bed-head blonde hair falling over her eyes.

"Come in, Mama Marie's getting ready for the day." She laughs, pulling me in the room. I follow her in through the little kitchenette, which is exactly like the one in my room.

"So, how'd you sleep last night?" She asks when I plop down on her unmade bed.

"Great. It was a long day yesterday." I sigh, staring up at the bland white ceiling.

"Hmmm." She hums as she rummages through her bags. I wait as she goes into the bathroom to take a quick shower, and then sit on the floor next to her as she does her hair and make-up. And of course her hair is perfect when she's finished. I sigh, getting up and following her back through the room.

"Only a few more days now." She nudges me with her elbow, winking at me. I roll my eyes at her.

"Come on. It's your birthday, this is important." She laughs, throwing her bag down on the ground. She grabs my arm, and tows me out of the room and down the hallway back to mine. She barges in, scaring the hell out of Louis.

"Why in the hell would you do that?" He says from the bed, sitting straight up.

"Glad to see your finally up." I laugh at him. He rolls his eyes at us before laying back down, pulling the covers over his head. Marlene turns to me, stifling a laugh.

"I'll let you deal with him. I'm gonna go wake up Cali and Luke." She looks over at Louis before turning to me and smirking. I push her towards the door and she finally breaks out in a laugh. I walk over to Louis and yank the covers off of him. He reaches out and catches my arm before I can run away and he pulls me down on top of him. He wraps his arms around me, holding me against him. I laugh, the noise muffled by his shoulder.

"You'll just have to be the covers to keep me warm." He sighs. I roll my head to the side so I can look up at him. He smiles, squinting his eyes closed. I roll off him, his arms falling down to the bed beside him.

"Come on. Get up." I laugh, crossing my arms.

"Nope." He rolls over.

"Get up."

"Nope." I reach out, and pull the pillow out from under his head. He flips over, glaring at me.

"Give it back." He whines, reaching out for the pillow in my arms. I laugh running away.

"Come back here!" He laughs, finally rolling off the bed and chasing after me. He traps me in the corner of the kitchenette, and I hold the pillow out in front of me, laughing. He keeps taking steps closer, and I keep backing away, until my back hits the counter and I have no where to run. He makes his move, lunging towards me. I jump into his arms, dropping the pillow and wrapping my legs around his waist. He laughs, and pulls my head to his. The kiss is short, but it still holds all the same meaning as the others. He pulls away smiling. I untangle my legs from around him, and I drop to the floor. He still wears nothing but his boxers from the night before.

"Go get dressed. I'll meet you down by the boy's room." I say, punching him in the stomach. I back away from him, smiling. He rolls his eyes and pouts as I leave. I'm out the door before he can protest, and I silently make my way down to Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam's room.

"Amber! Come on in, we're just about ready to leave!" Liam smile's brightly when he opens the door, ushering me inside. Paul and Harry sit on one of the beds going over a few papers while Niall pulls a shirt over his bed-head, and I hear the shower running.

"Zayn always takes the longest." Liam whispers nodding towards the closed bathroom door.

"So I've heard before..." I laugh, sitting down on the bed next to Harry.

"Well aren't you looking nice today, Amber." Harry chuckles, ruffling my hair.

"Ehh, I was looking better last night, didn't you see me then?" I tease, swatting his hand away from my head.

"Oh he saw." Niall laughs, raising his eyebrows at Harry.

"C'mon boys, we gotta get going. Amber, will you go get Louis, meet Charles by the other room and we'll all make our way over to the airport." Paul says, looking over the papers he was working on before standing up and turning to me.

"Yeah, of course. See ya later guys." I say, walking past a half naked Zayn and to the door.

I nearly run down the hallway, back towards my room. As I'm coming to the door, it opens and Louis walks out. He stumbles into me, knocking me into the wall.

"Oh hey Amber, didn't see you there." He says nervously, his eyes darting around the hallway.

"I was just coming to get you... Paul wants us to meet Charles by his room so..." I say, linking my hand in his, trying to catch his eye. He doesn't notice, he's too busy, checking over his shoulder down the hallway.

"Hey, Louis... Is something wrong?" I question, reaching up to his cheek, turning his head to face me. His eyes dart back and forth, not daring to meet mine.

"Yeah... Yeah it's fine..." He says before pecking me on the cheek and turning away. He lets go of my hand and begins walking. I cross my arms, watching as he walks away down the hallway, his hands tucked deep in his pockets.

Sorry for how short and boring this chapter is. I know not many people are reading this anyways. Have a good day.




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