Chapter Fifteen-Louis' POV-

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[My first chapter for Louis' POV. It's always good to try something new!


I'm scrolling through Twitter when I see it. Amber Locktae.

"Maybe I will try to kill myself again..." I'm out of my seat so fast it falls over. I rush downstairs, tripping down the stairs.

"Amber! Amber!" I call out. I get no reply. I run faster, if that's even possible. I run into the room, and I see her. She's crumpled on the floor, blood running everywhere. I scream, falling to my knees. I crawl over to her. She's still breathing, but it comes out jagged and pushed. I grab my phone and call Harry.

"Help me!" I scream into the phone.

"Louis what's wrong?!"

"It's Amber.... Please help!" I cry.

"I'm coming over I promise Louis!" The line goes dead. I sit over Amber, trying to shake her awake.

"Amber darling, please please wake up!" She doesn't move. Her wrists are bleeding everywhere. I grab a blanket off the bed and rip it apart, wrapping parts of it around her arms. Harry runs into the room five minutes later.

"Amber!" He screams.

"Help me get her to the car!" I cry, pulling her up into my arms. She feels a lot lighter, and I wonder if it's from loosing so much blood or if she's starting to fade away. Harry rushes through the house opening the door for me. He runs to the car and opens my door before getting in the drivers seat and starting the car. I hop in and everything feels like its going in slow motion. I feel each tear that falls down my face, leaving a trail behind it. I feel each faint heartbeat of Ambers, growing weaker. I feel each little rock or bump the car hits, feeling like an earthquake. The hospital parking lot is filled with fans. Most hold signs saying 'We're sorry Amber' or 'we love you Amber'. As Harry comes and opens my door all I can do is stare at the fans. Their mouths move in slow motion shouting things I can't hear. Harry helps me out of the car, and the crowd gets louder. A lot of the girls are crying and holding onto each other. I just look back and forth at people surrounding me as Harry pulls me up to the Emergency entrance. It feels like I'm not even there as a nurse meets us there with a gurney and we lay Amber down on it. They strap a breather onto her and they drag her back down a hallway. I stand there watching as they drag her down the hallway. The swinging doors swing back and forth, limiting my vision. Suddenly I'm snapped back to reality as Harry puts a hand on my shoulder. I look up at him, finally hearing the screams and cry's from the fans outside. Harry's face is streaked with tears, and his eyes are swollen and puffy. He walks me over to a chair and we wait. And wait. And we wait some more. Soon Zayn, Liam, and Niall come running in. I just sit there staring at the floor as they pat me on the back or shake my shoulders. I can't imagine what's going on in that room back there. I hope she'll come out fine... She has to be fine... Please let her be fine...

Finally a nurse comes back and asks for Amber Locktae's group. We all jump up and run back there with her. She stands outside Amber's door, blocking the way back to my happiness.

"She's still asleep. She shouldn't wake up for a couple more hours. But we know how much you want to see her." She says before finally opening the door. I run in, and there she is. The IV runs into her arm and into the machine to her right. She has a soft smile on her face and she looks so peaceful. Did this even really happen? Then I look down at her arms. All the way from her thumbs up to her elbows are bandages. I stand at the foot of the hospital bed just staring at her. The guys gather around me. We all just stare at her, a bright colourful girl, laying there on the plain white hospital bed. This doesn't seem right. This doesn't feel real. Again it feels like everything goes in slow motion when something starts beeping and three nurses run back into the room. They check her IV's and the other tubes connected to her. One starts pushing us out, but I still can't stop staring at her.

"Louis come on lad we gotta go." I hear Harry's deep voice in the back of my mind but I pay no attention to it. Soon I'm pulled outside the room and the door slams in my face. I feel the guys drag me back down the hallway but I just stare at the door. The swinging doors swing back and forth again and I can't see her door anymore. I sit back down in the same chair, staring at the same spot on the floor, thinking the same things as before. Again the world gets snapped back into place when one of the guys touches my shoulder.

"You okay lad?" Niall asks me.

"No." I laugh.

"It'll be okay. She's going to be fine now, right?" He looks up at the rest of the guys.

"She looks the same... She'll be fine Louis." Zayn says, actually tearing up.

"I can't believe the fans sometimes..." Liam growls.

"Exactly... Sometimes they can be real..."

"It's okay guys. No need to try to comfort me. I just need Amber again..." I say, putting my head in my hands. Everyone sits down after I say this and we all go silent.

Soon the sun is rising outside and new nurses replace the old ones. We're still waiting at eleven o'clock and the boys are falling asleep in the chairs around me. Harry and I are the only ones up when the same nurse from before comes back through the door.

"Amber's group." She yawns, and Harry and I jump up and run after her again. We return to the room, and this time she has no speech about how 'Amber's sleeping'. She opens the door with a sleepy smile and we walk inside. Amber's staring out the window to her left. Some of the bandages are gone, and they aren't as high up her arm. She has breathing tubes in her nose and her IV runs a reddish-brown liquid into her arm. She doesn't notice us at first, she's to mesmerized by the window.

"Amber..." I whisper. She turns a little and she sees us.

"Louis..." She whimpers. I run over to the bed and kneel down next to her. She starts crying and whimpering words I can't understand.

"Amber it's okay it's okay..." I whisper trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry Louis, I'm sorry..." She cry's.

"Amber it's okay... I promise it's going to be okay..."

"Louis I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't leave me here..." She sobs harder.

"Why would I leave you, darling? I love you too much to leave you. I'll be here forever." I hold onto her hands. She leans back into the pillows, tears gliding down her delicate cheeks. Harry comes and kneels next to me, holding onto her hand. She looks down at us, tears caught in her eyelashes. I smile and she makes a small smile back.

"Amber are you ready to go home?" A nurse asks, walking in with a clipboard. I look down at her, and she gives me a frightened look. I squeeze her hand tighter and she looks back at the nurse.

"Yeah. I am." She nods. And suddenly she's turning back into the strong girl I remember, not the girl crying and bleeding on the floor.

The nurse gives a practiced smile and comes over. She presses a button over the bed, and asks for two more nurses.

"I'll have to ask you guys to leave for a few minutes. We'll bring her out when she's ready." The nurse turns to me and Harry. We nod and head out into the hall.

"She's coming home Harry. She's coming home!" I laugh, grabbing his arm as we walk out. He smiles and pats my back. She's coming home.

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